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Alga A green or blue-green one-celled plant (or cyanobacterium). In lichens these occupy a layer just beneath the cortex. (Also called phycobionts).
Apothecium (plural, apothecia) The most conspicuous spore-bearing structure on the surface of lichens; a disk-shaped structure that produces ascospores.
Appressed Closely anchored to the substrate.
Areolate Characterized by having the thallus broken into small, discrete patches or blocks.
Ascocarp A fungal structure that produces asci and ascospores (whether a perithecium or apothecium).
Ascomycetes A class of fungi in which spores are produced in asci; most lichen fungi are Ascomycetes.
Ascospore A spore produced by the apothecium of a lichen; these spores are produced initially by meiosis, in eights or multiples of eight, sometimes reduced to as few as two or one.
Ascus (pl. asci) A balloonlike cell which generates ascospores internally.
Cephalodium (pl. cephalodia) A separate colony of algae different from the normal symbiont, growing on the surface of a lichen.
Cortex A layer of tightly packed fungal tissue forming the upper or lower side of the thallus; sometimes the lower cortex is absent, exposing the medulla.
Crustose Closely attached to the substrate, and lacking free or ascending lobes.
Cyphella (pl. cyphellae) A break on the lower cortex, in which the medulla is not exposed but covered by a smooth membrane.
Foliose Having thin, leaflike lobes, loosely attached to the substrate.
Fruticose Having an erect, simple or branched, cylindrical thallus attached basally to the substrate.