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69. Psora cerebriformis [brainlike].
On the desert soils of the Southwest this lichen forms conspicuous convex heaps of white convex thallus lobes interspersed with black convex apothecia. Desert soil lichens absorb moisture immediately if rained upon, and soften the force of rain. Also, during the winter, needle ice pushes up the surface layer of soil, with its lichens, mosses, and associated algae and fungi, forming a cryptogamic soil crust.
70. Stereocaulon tomentosum [woolly].
A white, fruticose lichen with elongate, branched stems (pseudopodetia) bearing clusters of scalelike structures (phylloclades). The main stem is woolly with matted hyphae. Close examination will reveal extremely small spheres hidden among the woolly hyphae; these are cephalodia containing blue-green algae. Brown or black, convex apothecia are often abundant, at or near the tops of the branches. Common on forest floors.