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65. Icmadophila ericetorum [of heaths].
Thallus a pale gray or white sheet overgrowing soft (punky) rotting wood in moist forests. The thallus is undifferentiated, not composed of discrete areoles. The apothecia are pink! There is nothing else like this. When well developed, the thallus can be a foot or more in diameter.
66. Leprocaulon gracilescens [slender].
An extremely delicate and brittle, slender white fruticose lichen with little knotty branches, growing in more or less tightly packed groups in crevices of granite rocks. Apothecia are unknown. A similar, smaller species with a distinctly green thallus is L. microscopicum, in similar sites. A third species, L. subalbicans, is white, and grows in tufts of mosses in the alpine tundra.