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23. Dactylina madreporiformis [name from a genus of tropical corals].
A curious fruticose lichen of the alpine tundra. The thallus is erect, hollow, and with a papery consistency. Apothecia are extremely rare. The lobes on this species are cylindrical. On another species, found in the Arctic (D. arctica), the thallus is broader and inflated, like a mitten. Our species is relatively rare in the Arctic and principally a plant of the temperate mountain ranges.
24. Cladonia cariosa [decayed].
Cladonia is a unique genus, in which the thallus is divided into two distinct parts. At the base, the thallus consists of flattened squamules with an upper and lower side. Arising from these are erect, cylindric stalks (podetia) which bear the apothecia at their tips. Apothecia may be red, brown, or rarely tan. This species has squamules on the podetia, and brown apothecia.