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37. Flavoparmelia (Parmelia) caperata [wrinkled].
A very common, large, pale yellow, foliose lichen with broad, rounded lobes and a wrinkled surface covered with masses of soredia. This most commonly grows on vertical cliffs, but occasionally occurs on bark. Apothecia are hardly ever present.
38. Flavopunctelia (Parmelia) flaventior [more yellowish].
A fairly common large, pale yellow or more greenish lichen with broad, rounded lobes and with localized small patches of soredia. The surface of the thallus has scattered breaks in the cortex revealing the white medulla (pseudo-cyphellae), hence the epithet punctelia (spots). Usually this grows on bark, especially of piñon pines, but occasionally on rock. A close relative, F. soredica, has soredia only along the margins and lacks pseudocyphellae.