THE SIMPLEST DEFINITION of mindfulness for me is awakened attention. It is to be awake, aware, and to live as a conscious being. It also refers to deep meditation practice. When we embody mindfulness, our views are Right View, our thoughts are Right Thought, our speech is Right Speech, our action is Right Action, our livelihood is Right Livelihood, our effort is Right Effort, our concentration is Right Concentration.
We must be mindful in order to live the Eight-fold Path, to live a noble life as a noble being. To be attentive to mindfulness is to be attentive to the Christ within us, the Buddha within us, the Holy Spirit within us.
Right Mindfulness puts to the test the question: Is this helpful? This question I resonated toward upon first hearing it. It is like a reality barometer.
• Is this gossiping conversation helpful?
• Is this attitude helpful?
• Is this prejudice helpful?
• Is this fear helpful?
• Is this anger helpful?
• Is this guilt helpful?
• Is this lackadaisical attitude helpful?
• Is this long-held belief helpful?
• Is holding family secrets helpful?
• Is continuing to play the victim helpful?
Once at a workshop where my role was as a support person, rather than a leader, a very unpleasant situation erupted.
The participants were instructed to form a large circle around the room and to hold hands. One man refused to take the offered hand outstretched to him. When asked by the leader what was going on, the man’s bold response in front of about fifty people was that he would not touch the hand of a homosexual. There was an audible gasp in the room. I felt shivers run over me as the leader exclaimed, “What? What are you talking about?”
The man, Oskar, raised in an Eastern European country, puffed himself up to defend his prejudice. “Bill said he is a homosexual, and I do not know where his hand has been, what it has touched.” The tension in the room was palpable.
Bill quickly and consciously responded, “I’ll move.” And he did, but not because of the man’s prejudice, upside-down thinking or unskilled behavior. Bill did not take the event personally. I was very proud of Bill and the attitude he displayed. Oskar needed help to look at a long-held belief system that did not serve him. It was not helpful.
A break soon followed in which I found Oskar, a former counselee of mine, pacing like a caged animal outside the workshop room. I asked if he wanted to talk about what had just happened inside. He immediately began to defend his position, and I tried to steer the conversation in a more “helpful” direction. I asked him to tell me about his experiences with gay men, and he replied that he had never known a gay man before. His comment made me stifle my laughter at its absurdity. “How is that possible?” I asked.
Oskar replied, “There are no gay men in my country. Homosexuals are dirty, and I have always been taught that if I ever met one, I should have nothing to do with him.” I responded that, whether he knew it or not, he had met dozens if not hundreds of homosexual men in his life. They are not inherently dirty. And, yes, they do live in his country, most certainly closeted, but there nonetheless. Bill’s hand had not touched anything his own hand hadn’t touched. AIDS does not leap off the body of a homosexual, and Bill doesn’t have AIDS. I asked where his terribly misguided belief had arisen. He again defended his belief system, saying it was what he had always been taught.
I recalled the song from the musical South Pacific that includes the line “We have to be taught to hate, carefully, carefully taught.” Throughout his life Oskar had been carefully, carefully taught to hate gays. Knowing his response in advance, I asked him if he had ever examined his belief system and explored if his rigid attitudes were beneficial to his life. “No,” he said. “Why should I? They are true. They are what I have been taught.”
However, after a lengthy conversation, Oskar became willing to look at his programmed beliefs and to begin questioning their validity. I asked him to keep exploring the question “Is this helpful?” In a private appointment several days later Oskar began to admit that, no, this attitude was not helpful, kind, loving or who he wanted to be.
Mindfulness is awakened attention. When we are mindful we notice everything. A very humorous personal story occurred at the Pilates studio I frequent three or four times a week. This is not a sangha where one goes to meditate and discuss philosophy with no regard for the body. It is a small space with its whole emphasis and reason for being focused on the physical.
Before joining this studio I had gained a great deal of weight during a time of burning grief. From my normal size eight I had ballooned to a full twelve. So I began attending several times a week working with several personal trainers. All my sessions were private.
After a year of gaining strength and muscle tone, I was ready to shed the excess baggage. And almost no one noticed when I did! Ten pounds. Okay. Not much difference, except to me. Twenty pounds. Nary a comment.Thirty, forty, fifty pounds. No comments. One coach did notice, and she and I made a game of wondering when one of the other trainers would notice. It took eight months! This was eight months of seeing me at least three times a week. If I had gone from 400 pounds to 350 pounds, I could understand. But I looked much, much smaller.
Right Mindfulness is noticing what is going on right in front of our eyes and ears. We notice the presence, energy and essence of a loved one. How is she doing? How does she look—content, happy, sullen, blue? How does his voice sound? How is his speech—excited, flat, engaging, distant? When we are mindful, we not only notice, we care. A mindful person is an aware, caring, kind, loving person. They give conscious attention to others.
I admire best-selling author Wayne Dyer and his mindfulness. My church has brought him to Cleveland a number of times. After each of his speaking engagements, he will stand for hours warmly greeting every one of his supporters. I have long noticed how he gives each person his total, undivided attention. Very impressive! Most mindful!
We can all live mindfully as we make the effort to become more aware and awake to ourselves and others. Then it truly can be said that we are living a noble life. The first meditative practice I was taught was Mindfulness Meditation. When I look back at those thirty years, it is so amazing that I was given the teaching, since I didn’t know at the time its significance and life-altering effect on my future and continued relevance to this day.


My initiation into meditation came with being taught how to relax the body, sit in a stable position and bring the fullness of attention upon the breath. One monitors the breath, being fully aware of the rising and falling of the chest with each breath.
Begin breathing in mindfully.
Breathing out mindfully. Silently say, I am aware of my breath.
Say silently with each inhalation and exhalation: Breathing in. Breathing out.
Do this very slowly and most mindfully, bringing your total awareness into what you are doing, observing each breath as it rises and falls. Silently say, Rising, falling, as you go deeper and deeper into the meditation with each passing minute.
The Vietnamese Zen master teacher Thich Nhat Hanh uses the endearing term “mouth yoga” to help describe this mindfulness practice that brings one into the present moment.
In, out.
Deep, slow.
Calm, ease.
Smile, release.
Present moment, wonderful moment.
It is most precious to consider this technique as yoga for our mouths and lungs.
Mindfulness meditation is just that—becoming fully mindful during one’s meditation. This technique is so simple and yet so powerful. Faithful, daily practice of it can change your life. I’ve done it for three decades and still simply love it and its effects on my mind, body and soul.
Practicing Mindfulness Meditation brings our whole life and the other seven aspects of the wheel into balance. It supports Right View. It clarifies our thinking into Right Thinking. Right Action follows a time of sitting meditation. It leads us into our correct career, Right Livelihood. It makes all of our efforts rewarding through Right Effort. Right Mindfulness goes hand in hand with Right Concentration and deepens all of our spiritual practices.
Don’t wait to begin to practice until you have the feeling it is time to do so. It may be too late. Sadly I have often witnessed this happen. Many people only turn to a spiritual practice and prayer when they are facing desperate circumstances. When the fifteen-year-old daughter is pregnant; when the husband is having affairs; when you are sick, tired, stressed, feeling empty inside; when you feel life has lost not only its luster but any meaning, and you feel overwhelmed. It may be too late.
I believe the greater truth is that it is never too late for any of us. But the longer we remain disconnected in consciousness from our spiritual core, the more overwhelming the circumstances of our lives seem to us. They push upon us from all directions, and we can feel helpless, hopeless, void of any resources.
But the good—no, great—news is that at any moment we can begin to live mindfully. We can wake up and take a life-affirming step in a positive direction. We can begin to utilize these extraordinary tools. These eight principles are unparalleled in the annals of spiritual philosophy and teaching.
If we are mindful, we will never wait. And when a challenge arises, we are already prepared. We are not adrift upon a sea of discontent and discord. We are anchored to our spiritual core.
There is an antidrug campaign slogan, “Parents, the antidrug.” I add to that, “Mindfulness, the antidrug.” If parents were truly mindful of their children’s spiritual well-being, activities, friends, school and teachers, transportation and just where they were, how could there be a drug problem?
To varying degrees I have been part of hundreds of families’ lives. With the possible exception of an emotionally disturbed child or a child carrying an enormous load of negative karma, spiritually centered, emotionally healthy, loving and compassionate parents raise spiritually whole and healthy children. What children need is love and attention—not more techno toys, computers and TV time. To have healthy children, they must be the priority. The family must be the priority.
Sara, a top stockbroker in Cleveland, is a neighbor of ours. She and her husband have five children, and they have miraculously managed to raise amazing kids. They are the type of children who love one another and seem to do everything they do in an exceptional fashion. I am in awe of this family.
The children attend parochial schools and have all the usual extracurricular activities: music lessons, basketball, aerobics, baseball, chess, etc., etc. But the number one priority for this family remains the family.
When Sara is asked by top clients to have an evening meeting, a dinner meeting, a Saturday meeting, she always graciously declines by saying, “I’m so sorry, but that’s my family time.”
Sara often gets an astonished inquiry from a client. “Well, how often does your family have dinner together, given your busy lifestyle with so many varying schedules?”
Her somewhat incredulous response, a favorite of mine, “Oh, we have dinner together every night.”
Parents are the antidrug, the anchors of light and love for their children.
Living mindfully is always beneficial to the entire household. When we are mindful we notice if our cat or dog is suffering, if our car needs attention, if the roof needs repair. Mindfulness is a very deep practice, but it is also a very practical practice.
Mindfulness allows us to look deeply into our conscious and subconscious minds. The Buddhist term for “subconscious mind” is “store consciousness.” We must look deeply into store consciousness, where all the seeds of our beliefs are stored.
It took much coaching to get Oskar to be willing to look into his “store consciousness.” The store consciousness of Sara, her husband and children is that of love, deep familial connections, genuine caring for one another. For the children these beautiful seeds in their store consciousness must serve them in ways yet to be realized as they and their seeds mature and blossom.
As you become a more mindful being, always remember the beautiful seeds you are planting in your store consciousness. If there remains within old decaying seeds that would never serve your growing awareness, be willing to incorporate all the techniques and exercises to cleanse yourself, so your mind can be purified in order for you to begin to live a future far more rewarding than the past. The Buddha’s glorious teachings only point the way. All the effort must be done by you.


Tonglen, a remarkable meditation practice, literally means giving and receiving. Tonglen opens our hearts in a way unlike any other practice. It opens us to others in a way that allows us to be truly present to them and their suffering. We no longer fear another’s pain, but rather we reach out to them in their time of deepest need.
Tonglen is multifaceted, for as it teaches us to be compassionate and assist in alleviating another’s suffering, it is also unparalleled in working on our egos—at the root of all of our own suffering. The practice of Tonglen can transform us into masters of compassion. For those so dedicated, this takes many years and much practice.
For me the practice of Tonglen is a very deep mindfulness practice, for it engages our whole awareness and entire being. We practice Tonglen truly caring for others as we would desire to be cared for.
The practice of Tonglen should only be undertaken by those with some degree of spiritual maturity and some mastery of meditation. The reason for this is that it is such a selfless practice that for the uninitiated the ego could definitely rise during this highly focused meditation and cause all manner of soul mischievousness as we fully open ourselves to the suffering of others.
The practice of Tonglen is so powerful that from the eleventh century, when the Buddhist teacher Geshe Chekhawa began teaching it to a few lepers, they practiced it faithfully and were cured of their leprosy. Word spread of this remarkable practice that could cure an incurable disease nine hundred years before the medical discovery of sulfone drugs.
An interesting and amazing tale is told of the practice of Geshe Chekhawa that occurred near the end of his life. Apparently in his deep compassion, with his burning desire always to be of help in alleviating others’ suffering, he unceasingly prayed to be reborn in what the Buddhists call the “hell realms.” We can all probably conjure up an image of a hell realm and probably have all hung out there a number of times.
Geshe Chekhawa prayed such a prayer, not because he was a masochist, but because he was close to becoming a saint and wanted to be of assistance to all those living and suffering in the hell realms. He was disappointed when his dreams revealed to him that he was to be reborn into one of the realms of the Buddhas. This deeply saddened him, and he asked his student to pray that this would not occur! His incessant desire was to be of help to those who are suffering in hell realms.
When I first learned of this tale, I could hardly believe it. I was alternately crying and laughing, thinking surely in lifetimes past this must have also been my prayer, for it would so tidily explain the mystery of my own personal times of tremendous suffering. Perhaps in ages past I, too, had prayed to be of soul benefit for those who would suffer in the future. If that be the case, I now choose to change my prayer, plant new seeds and pray that we can all be transformed to be reborn in one of those beautiful Buddha realms.

The Tonglen Technique

You first evoke the greatest amount of love and compassion you possibly can within you. Recall the times in your life when you have felt the greatest love being given to you. Thankfully through grace we have all been loved deeply, if not long, at least once. We need to reclaim that memory from a parent, grandparent, lover, aunt, cousin, sibling, teacher, minister or neighbor. I am very fortunate to feel and know I have been loved by both my parents. It is the love of my father that continues to feed my soul and spirit, even though he is now physically gone. Find that great love of your soul and allow that feeling to fill every aspect of your being.
Breathe love in and out deeply. Allow your chest to rise and fall with your heartbeat of love. Allow that feeling of great love to wrap itself around and through your heart like a warm blanket. Sense a deep gratitude in knowing you have been so loved and are now capable yourself of loving.
Begin to visualize opening your heart, as your enormous love is directed outward to enfold other beings. You can do this for one person, or a family, or your sangha, or for all beings who are suffering with a particular illness or state of being. Now you bring them into this love within your heart. Tonglen is different from many meditative practices in that you are not sending your subjects this great love. Rather, you are bringing them into this great love.
My dear friend Suzanne practiced Tonglen as she went through radiation and chemotherapy for breast cancer. She engaged in it several times daily, bringing joy into her meditation to all women currently facing the same diagnosis and similar follow-up treatment after surgery. We know it helped other women, and it is definitely beneficial to Suzanne.
The Tonglen practice can be extended to all, even those who are most difficult and challenging for us. Begin to see that difficult person as one who is suffering just as you have suffered, and in doing so you feel compassion for him awakening in you. You shall then begin to see how similar you are. I do think it is helpful to do what one early teacher of mine taught. Begin with those you already love and who love you before you move on to other, more difficult ones.
As one advances in the practice of Tonglen, it takes on a powerful characteristic of no longer seeing the person as other, but now as same. In our minds we exchange our sense of self with whatever the other person is suffering. Her pain becomes your pain. And you can do something about it. You can actually learn to dissolve the pain or affliction within your own heart space. One way to do that is to see it as a ring of heavy, dark clouds encircling your mind, swirling around you. Know that beyond the denseness of the clouds, which represent suffering, lies love, compassion, freedom, transformation and light. Then visualize the great love within you as so enormously powerful that you can easily with the simple sweep of your hand brush those heavy clouds aside. As you do so, the light that lies beyond them begins to dissipate the clouds into vapor and then into nothingness. You now realize, through the Tonglen practice, that you can move completely through the illusion of suffering. It can produce outstanding results benefiting both the one suffering and you.
Exchanging yourself for others is extremely powerful and is not to be undertaken by spiritual lightweights. The energy is simply too powerful and too demanding.
Another way of evoking compassion to practice Tonglen is to call upon an illumined being, be it Jesus, the Buddha, the Divine Mother, Tara or a bodhisattva. Then feel the boundless love that being has for you. Sink deeply into that love and absolutely know that it is real. Now channel that great reservoir of love to the focus of your Tonglen practice. Hold him in the love and for as long as you can maintain the intensity of that profound love.
An essential component of all phases of Tonglen, as taught to me by Lama Chonam, is to take the other’s suffering into your heart space. In most Western healing practices the heart energy is sent out to the recipient. In this Buddhist practice the recipient is brought into your own heart. Herein lies the contrast between the Western and Eastern mind.
This one aspect is what makes Tonglen so powerful and not for the immature on the spiritual path. One has to be quite clear to be engaged in such a high level of spiritual work and actually take pain and suffering, which we normally try to avoid, into our very hearts.
Practicing Tonglen and core mindfulness meditations is never enough. We must rise up from the meditations and live our lives mindfully with our family in our homes, with our friends, in our work environment with our coworkers, on our highways, in society, with our consumption of resources, with our own thoughts and minds. Then our entire lives can be transformed and we become mindful beings. We become the noble ones, the ones lost in the wonder of compassion and delight. Like His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we start to giggle at the overwhelming delight of living an awakened life.
Mindfulness opens our eyes and ears to the beauty and wonder of life. Here we can love and be compassionate in the present moment . . . and it is a wonderful moment.
The following is a Tonglen practice that I was given after 9/11. I do not know where it came from or who assembled it. With that in mind, I respectfully share it with you:
Breathe light in and out of our hearts. Just breathe ever so deeply, as deeply as you can, and release.
We breathe in and focus the totality of our attention to our heart center.
We breathe out, seeing your heart now as a vast orb of intense love moving to your heart chakra, that has remained undisturbed,
And expanding consciously, mindfully, dynamically your heart energy with every breath.
Pushing the energy out a bit further and allowing it to contract only to expand with the next breath
Holding only love.
Being ever so still, perfectly still.
In the depths of your heart, love is awakening.
Levels of love, levels of being that perhaps have been resting for a very long time.
They have not been called into action, into response until now. Breathe into our hearts, love.
Until you can imagine your heart center not just being in the center and slightly to the left,
That your heart center begins to fill your whole chest area, extends out before you, in front of you.
Extends behind you, rising up to your throat, down to your navel. This whole area becomes a warm pulsating center of love and light.
And now we are called to bring into our hearts, images of the recent tragic events of Tuesday, September 11th.
Bring into our hearts these images and to allow this love to just infuse them,
Transform them from pain into peace, from a desperate lost energy into one faith.
Let us first bring into our hearts those whose lives were so swiftly ended on Tuesday.
Those on the planes, those in the World Trade Center. We bring those individuals into our hearts.
Perhaps some have lifted into the infinite and perhaps some are in the state of confusion.
We bring them, those especially, into our heart center. We breathe in the light, breathe peace.
And very mindfully we breathe out the trauma. We are willing to do this work for them.
This is how great our love is.
Breathe in that shock, that horror.
Breathe it out, breathe love into their souls that they be lifted in peace now, into the infinite. That we and they know together that life is eternal.
So we let them go and bring into our hearts their family members. We’ve seen them, heard their stories.
We’ve seen their anguish and incredible grief.
We are courageous enough, as spiritual beings, to bring their pain into our hearts.
And to allow this enormous love that we have to begin to burn away that pain, to dissolve that pain, to transform that pain, transform that suffering and sense of loss, bewilderment.
If your heart gets very heavy, very intense, just really emphasize the exhalation.
Breathe that energy out.
Just pour out immeasurable love into the lives of these beings. If we think that this is an impossible task, we need to remember the words of A Course in Miracles: “How long is an instant?”
We continue on.
We release these loved ones, and welcome into our heart centers now the firefighters, policemen, the heroes that don’t want to be called heroes.
We bring them into our heart and we send them boundless love, immeasurable gratitude.
We let the shock that they have been through, the devastation that they have witnessed, be dissolved into our heart centers now.
Energy is moving in this room, grace is being sent forth.
Bring into our hearts, those that were in or near the building that escaped,
How they must be wrestling with gratitude and regret and confusion.
We bring all those emotions that they must be experiencing into the powerful space of our committed hearts.
We bring that energy in, that they may be consoled, that we may be the ones to console them, that they may know peace, that they may know that there is an order at work that one day they may understand.
Bring all of their conflicted emotions, courageously, bravely, into our own hearts and let that energy be burned off by the all-consuming energy of our heart centers.
Breathe in ever so deeply.
Bring into our hearts those that lost part of their world, which would really be every one of us.
Our hearts are large enough to contain this. We are one, one in the heart of God.
We let the all-consuming love of our hearts transform this energy as well.
Now our hearts are so enormous, our love is so limitless, that we now bring in those that have been the perpetrators, those that have hated us, those that have judged us so harshly. Very gently, easily we bring this energy into our hearts.
We allow it to be dissolved, to become nothing, for it is not the reality of their beings.
Let that energy be dissolved in our hearts now.
We are like the spiritual surrogates, so committed to the path of healing, of transformation, that in this very room, this very moment, miracles are being created.
We breathe this energy in and breathe it out, being ever so sure to breathe all that energy out.
And then we are simply together in the silence for a moment. We know there is nothing our Holiness cannot do.
Say it to yourself, “There is nothing my Holiness cannot do.”
We are a blessing unto the world.
Doing these various Tonglen practices will be an enormous blessing to others, many of whom you will never meet, and in its practice you, like Geshe Chekhawa, will be growing in compassion.