KALI AND AGRA returned to the nightclub. Agra had calmed down once she knew Margo and Candy were going to be fine. When they saw Lilith and Yemaya working behind the bar, they couldn’t resist teasing them.


"Hey! Barkeep!" yelled Kali. "Two beers and hurry up!"


"Yeah! How come two thirsty women can’t get a cold beer in this place?"


"Did you hear something?" asked Yemaya, looking at Lilith, innocently.


"No. Why?"


"I thought I did. I must be imagining things."


"It’s the job. Sometimes you think you hear strange noises... take my word for it, it’s nothing more than static."


"Did you hear that, Kali? We’ve just been relegated to nothing," exclaimed Agra.


"I’m crushed," replied the dark demoness. "And to think we actually worked here once."


"Yeah. Maybe we need to find new jobs. It’s nice to be appreciated now and then."


"You know, Yemaya, you may be right. I believe I’m hearing voices too," said Lilith.


"Really? Well, just ignore them and maybe they will go away."


"Good idea."


"Okay ladies. We get the point. Now get out of here and let us do our jobs," ordered Kali, pushing the two women out of the way. "I hope you two haven't messed up my filing system."


"It’s about time," Lilith said. "And no we didn't. Now how about making Yemaya and the girls some drinks for helping to hold down the shop."


"Sure boss... and thanks."


"I take it everything turned out ok?"


"For now. Kali and I have some business to finish but we can take care of it later."


Agra quickly outlined what had happened. Lilith knew better than to ask what they had in mind.


"Let me know if I can help. This Freddie sounds like he could use a little lesson. Now, I need to talk with Dis. I’ll let him know you’re sending some new arrivals. He’ll love that," chuckled Lilith.


Did they just discuss their business in front of Yemaya and Dakota?


Waving goodbye to Yemaya, Dakota and Cammie, the demoness disappeared into her office and then vanished.