THE TRIP TO THE warehouse district gave Dakota and Yemaya a few leads. Several companies had international affiliations. Anyone involved in the sex-trade industry would have to have connections overseas in order to smuggle women out of the States and into another country. Writing down names and addresses, she had called her brother to see if he or Reymone could dig up additional information about any of them. Her brother's lover was a genius at researching the Internet and had developed an entire worldwide network of people willing to assist him whenever he needed information.


"I doubt if we can do much more now," Yemaya said.


"Yeah. Let's get a bite to eat and then head on back to the apartment. I think both of us could use a little rest."


"Sounds good to me."


Several hours later, Yemaya was awakened by her cell phone ringing.




"Good afternoon, sister."


"Good morning. What have you found?"


"As always, straight to the point. Anyway, Reymone has been snooping around or at least his contacts have and we discovered a possibility. Catrina Drenkova."


"Drenkova! The Drenkova that is rumored to have connections with a few members of our parliament."


"The same. There's also some stories going around that she's involved in a drug ring and the white slavery trade. That would fit in with a sex slave market. It seems the woman has a very shady reputation."


"Slavery? This may be what happened to Sasha. Have you or Reymone checked around to see if any of our young women in Moldova have disappeared?" Yemaya asked straightening slightly.


"Actually, we did but we haven't found anything here. Reymone's contacts tell us Ms. Drenkova runs an import/export business with several small offices strategically located in Europe, SE Asia, and the Middle East. Her home office is in Baltimore. Apparently, she has cozied up to a few senators and politicians in the States and receives considerable tax benefits and perks for basing there. We're not sure what they get in return but one of the politicians was investigated for having several illegal immigrants as domestics."


When Yemaya heard Baltimore she stiffened. Dakota instantly sensed the tension but remained silent.


"Thanks, Raidon. Do you have an address for Ms. Drenkova?"


"As a matter of fact I do," he replied giving her both the office address as well as her home address, a small secluded estate outside the city limits.


"One more thing," Yemaya said. "Send me a faxed picture of this woman to Dakota’s place?"


"As we speak," her brother replied. "Your young lady should be receiving it shortly."


"Good. I will get back with you."


"Be safe, sister. I know what you're planning. Don't lose your head."


"Count on it, brother. Bye."


Turning to Dakota, she noticed Dakota was holding up a picture.


"Is this her?"


"Yes," Yemaya said taking the photo.


"She's very attractive,"


"Yes. Beauty is good at hiding evil."


"In her case, anyway. So what now?" Dakota asked.


"Now we get some rest. Tomorrow, we can check out her business and estate and then see how Sasha is doing. I am too tired to think beyond that."


"Me too. It's been a long day."


Dakota snuggled up close to Yemaya. Within minutes both were sound asleep.


*  *  *


"Yemaya, I know you're tired, but we need to talk," Whispered a sultry voice, much like her own.


"Can this wait, Mari?"


"If it could, dear, I wouldn't bother you."


Yemaya opened her eyes. She was sitting in front of the Eternal Flame. Grandma Dakota and Intunecat were talking quietly but stopped when Yemaya appeared.


"How yah doing, Yemaya?"


"Tired, Grandma Dakota. You and Mari keep strange company these days," she commented looking toward Intunecat.


"Strange?" the Dark One asked.


"He's here to help."


"Help? How? Dakota said you cannot do anything about Sasha since no spirits are involved."


"Well, that's not exactly true. We do have a few tricks without breaking the rules too much."


"You mean like impersonating Dakota and me? The poor doctor probably thinks we are schizos, but thanks for helping Sasha. I am not sure she would have survived if you had not been there for her."


"She’s one of my own. I could do nothing less,"  Mari replied.


"Yep. And I believe what be Mari's be mine too."


"Thank you, Grandma Dakota. Alright, you have my attention. Why the meeting?"


"Tomorrow you and Dakota will confront the mortal who brutalized the young woman," interrupted Intunecat. "It is imperative that you not give in to the rage you hide so well."


"Why do you care? I thought you thrived on dark emotions."


"Only when they serve my needs.This situation doesn’t."


Yemaya was about to comment when he interrupted her by holding up his hand.


"Now isn’t the time for debate. Inside of you is a darkness most mortals carry, but it has nothing to do with me. You control your anger well. You must do the same with your rage. The beast feeds off it. It is only a small part of you but it is strong and grows every time it breaks free from its lair. One day it may consume you. Tame it and you become its master. Fail and it becomes yours."


"If you have nothing to do with this darkness, who does?"


"We don't really know," Mari said. "Perhaps it's always been a part of humanity. Perhaps something greater than even Intunecat, whom we presumed to be the First Born."


"So no one has the answer. Alright, I can accept that, but how do I control my anger? It is a normal emotion."


"This isn't anger we're talking about, daughter. This is rage, the beast. Anger serves you well when needed. Rage serves no one but itself. Learn the difference between the two. Now, we must go. Though we can't be of much help to you, we'll do what we can... and don't worry about Sasha. We'll take care of her. You have a greater battle ahead."


"Thanks, Mari and Grandma Dakota."


Turning to Intunecat, Yemaya hesitated.


"And thank you, but understand one thing, Intunecat. Your role in this does not obligate me to you in any way. I will never be indebted to you."


The Dark One smiled.


"I would expect nothing less," he replied and vanished.