INTUNECAT STARED into the black void at the images of the two mortals. Slamming his fist into his palm, his voice thundered through the Darkness.


"This will not be!" He declared, his anger so profound lightning forked through the black skies lighting the night. "I will not allow it!"


Mari was enjoying a meal of fruits and nuts near the waterfall when the raven entered her realm. Her spirit companion, Maopa, Dakota's great, great grandmother, appeared simultaneously. Mari preferred calling her by her spirit name rather than her given name.


"It seems today is going to be a busy day." Mari smiled at Maopa while watching the huge black bird winging its way toward them.


"Seems it be so. Wonder why he be a comin here."


"I guess we're about to find out."


Circling, the raven settled on the ground a few feet away, its huge wings flapping slowly to ease the landing.


"Welcome, Intunecat. I see once again Curaco has allowed you the use of his body."


"Thank you, Mari, and yes, he is most generous in that way. I believe, though, I’ve figured out a way to visit this world without Curaco’s aide, but that’s not why I’m here. Forgive the intrusion. As you know I don't venture into the light without good reason. Nor can I stay here but a few moments. We must talk."


"Indeed it must be important. The light can’t be very comfortable for you even in the body of your raven."


The raven dipped its head, acknowledging Mari's observation.


"Will you come to my realm? The matter concerns Yemaya and the Little One."


"You know I won't venture into the Darkness, Intunecat. If you have something to tell us, you can do so at the Eternal Flame."


"So be it."


The raven flapped its wings and rose slowly into the air. As it soared toward the horizon, it vanished.


"Guess we should see what this is about, eh?"


"Yep, must be mighty important for this one to be a comin out."


*  *  *


Intunecat watched the two women conversing. The flames danced constantly distorting the images slightly. Mari and Maopa appeared at the same moment and settled on the ground next to the flickering fire.


"You can't have her," Mari said, her soft spoken voice low and deadly.


Laughing, Intunecat waved his hand and the image of Yemaya and Dakota disappeared.


"I'm not here to discuss that," he replied. "It would seem someone else is interested in your daughter."


Waving his hand in front of the fire the vision switched from them to a man and a woman.


"These two want her dead and I can't allow that," the Dark One stated matter-of-fact.


"Why? And what do you have to do with this?" demanded Mari, her voice as cold as the Darkness itself. Intunecat tipped his head sideways and looked at the Earth Mother. Mari epitomized warmth and beauty. Such coldness from her was unnatural.


"I am not responsible for all the darkness of their world, my dear. Don’t blame me for the evils of mortals. That comes from another place."


"He be right, Mari. We knowed he doesn't wants Yemaya dead. She be of no use tah him then, " Maopa said, finding it almost humorous to be defending the dark spirit.


Intunecat chuckled at the irony.


"Then who are they and what do they want?"


"The male is her servant," Intunecat said, pointing to the image of the woman. "She is the one who desires your daughter's death. And we know her death would mean the death of her Chosen. I wouldn't consider that a bad thing if their life-threads were not intertwined so tightly. It appears I have the unfortunate task of having to protect them both if I am to achieve my goal."


"Then that be a good thang for you cuz ifn yah tried tah harm my kin or that'n of Mari's I'd be all over yah like stink on a pole cat and I promises yah this, forever is a long time for pissin me off."


Mari smirked. Maopa definitely was going to bring some fun into her life. Perhaps it was her youth that made her so brazen; perhaps it was just her nature. Whatever the cause, Mari loved her spirit.


"Why didn’t I see this danger?" Mari mused. "I see everything when it affects my people."


"I agree. You see everything at all times," Intunecat answered. "Therefore you see nothing sometimes. Only those who come in contact with your kin are visible to you, but not everything is about your people. You've been away from their world a long time, Mari. The connection to your Carpis has weakened over the millenniums. Yemaya and Dakota have never met these two; therefore you cannot know them."


"Then how is it you know about them if you have nothing to do with this?" asked Mari.


"I see most things dark and shadowy."


"Then why didn't you do something?"


Intunecat sighed.


"You know I can't interfere now that you’ve reclaimed her... at least not directly. Yemaya isn't mine to protect. Neither is her life-mate. If either of them were, I could certainly resolve this quickly. You could give them to me," he suggested, knowing it would inflame the Earth Mother.


"You're developing a sense of humor, Intunecat. Perhaps another time I would find your remark funny," she replied coldly.


"Ah well, another time, then," chuckled the dark spirit before changing the subject. "Unfortunately, these two..." he continued, pointing to the images of the man and woman,"aren't mine either. Their darkness comes from another... perhaps from the Underworld. I’ve heard rumors of a restlessness brewing between the demons and angels. Another battle may be at hand."


"Let’s hope not. The last one spilled over into our world... and we have little power to intervene. This is one time I wish you were the problem."


"Ironically, so do I," Intunecat agreed, chuckling softly.


Mari's concern about another war was obvious. Many of the spirits had disappeared during the conflict when they had decided to take sides in the battle. Their fate was still unknown. Intunecat remained silent. Mari spoke the truth. If he were the cause of the darkness within these humans, he could do more. At the moment they were all at a loss as to how to resolve the situation.


"There be a solution to this ifn we can just thank a bit," Maopa said. "Thank yah for tellin us about them, Intunecat. Mari and I will be a figurin somethin out. You can count on it."


"Yes, thank you. I know you didn't do it out of goodness, but we are grateful nonetheless," Mari said.


"Then I leave you to your thoughts. I’ll also contemplate on this problem. Until we meet again." Bowing, he vanished.


Mari and Maopa sat staring at the two figures in the flames. For the first time, neither had anything to say.