



The Beginnings













THERE WERE NO memories of the past... nothing to tell her about herself or her previous life. She only knew now... and the unfamiliar sounds disturbing a dreamless sleep and the darkness. Opening her eyes, she sat up and looked around searching for anything she would recognize, and found her surroundings strangely familiar but a mystery. Still, she had a name, and she knew it. It wasn’t much but she found it comforting. Slowly rising to her feet, she turned and gazed about looking for something; anything that might trigger a memory. There was nothing. It was as if she never existed before this moment, and slowly, inevitably, came the realization that she hadn’t. This was the first day of her existence and before her, had she known it at the time, lay a world only a few days older; one created specifically for her and one other.


The meadow was breathtaking, covered in a lush carpet of grass with flowers of every imaginable size and color scattered randomly as far as the eye could see. Trees grew in multiple groves, each perfectly positioned to give the best aesthetic appeal. From their dense foliage the sounds of singing birds floated melodiously through the air, giving the entire landscape a pleasing tranquility. In the distance, a lake extended to the horizon and beyond. Its emerald green waters lapped gently at the shoreline creating a soft rhythmic slapping noise. The sound of splashing caught her attention and she leaned slightly forward, shielding her eyes with her right hand against a slight glare. A large object moved smoothly through the water, creating small ripples. Unable to resist an overwhelming need to see what it was, she walked hesitantly forward until she was near enough to make out the animal. It emerged from below the surface and stood shaking the water from its smooth skin. A fine coat of golden hair glistened in the sun giving the creature a radiant glow. Long blonde hair clung damply to its head and, as she stared in awe, dark blue eyes widened in amazement when it became aware of her presence. She had caught it by surprise.


Strange, she thought, watching as it strolled casually in her direction. I know him. I know the names of all of these things around me, and yet I know I have never seen any of them before. How can that be? she wondered, almost expecting an answer. Receiving none, she shrugged indifferently, accepting that she would know what she needed when the time was right. In the meantime, she would discover as much as possible about this creature... this... man.


He was beautiful; more beautiful than anything in the garden; tall and muscular, in a slender way. His curly golden locks hung loosely about his shoulder.


"Who are you? I have never seen you here before." he said, his eyes roaming curiously up and down her body.


"Have you been here long?" she replied, avoiding his question.


For a moment he seemed hesitant to answer.


"No. At least not that I know of. I'm not sure. I feel like I have only arrived. And you?"


"The same. This is all new to me, and yet it is as if I have been here forever."


"Yes. That is how I feel, also. I know the plants and the trees and the animals. I know this place, and I know who I am. I am Adam."


"Well, Adam, it appears we have much in common. I am Lilith."


"Lilith. It’s a beautiful name. It suits you well."


"Thank you. Have you seen anyone else like us around here?"


"No. You’re the first, but there may be others. Have you?"


Lilith shook her head no.


"Then perhaps we should look around," he offered.


"Yes. First, though, I would like to bathe in the lake. It looks refreshing. Do you mind waiting?"


Adam laughed. It was a pleasant sound and she smiled as she waded into the warm emerald green water. Glancing at its surface, she saw her reflection for the first time. The fiery red hair, blue-gray eyes and golden skin slightly darker than Adam’s surprised her. She hadn’t thought about her own appearance, but expected it to be similar to his. Why, though, she didn’t know.


Another mystery, she thought.


Swimming a short distance and then back toward the bank, she enjoyed the warmth of the water as it caressed her skin. Refreshed, she emerged from the lake and joined Adam. He had watched her, intrigued that her shape differed from his. Of particular interest were the round objects protruding from her front and the lack of a small appendage between her legs. Several times he had glanced at his own and then back at her trying to decide if she was somehow concealing it. Eventually he concluded she didn't have one. His own seemed to shrink and grow at random intervals, making him uncomfortable at times. The strange behavior was a nuisance. He was much more comfortable when the appendage hung loosely between his thighs. Sighing, he stood and brushed the grass from his legs and buttocks and helped her up the slippery bank. Later he would think about these differences.


Another mystery, he thought, sighing slightly.


For days they wandered across the land looking for others like themselves. Although they found a variety of birds and animals, there was no sign of anyone else. A few creatures resembled them, walking upright or jumping from tree to tree, but the dark hair covering their bodies and their strange noises assured both Lilith and Adam that they weren’t related.


"Maybe they are like us but speak a different language, or just slightly different," posed Adam, watching the animals playing with a stick and rolling around in the grass. Occasionally one would emit a high-pitched laugh and curl back its lips to show large teeth. "Like you and I are different," he reasoned.


"I don't think so. We could communicate from the very beginning. I think if they were like us, we would understand them."


"Perhaps they can only talk with each other like we do. They don't understand us just as we don't understand them."


"It seems reasonable."


"Yes it does," he replied, switching his gaze to the woman beside him. Once again he felt himself grow stiff and reached toward the limb to push it down, annoyed at its continual efforts to stand up.


"Does it bother you?" Lilith asked intrigued at the display. She had noticed the odd behavior before.


"At times. I think it means I'm happy or something. I've been wondering if it's able to think for itself. I seem to have no control over what it does at times."


"Possibly. If you can't control it, that certainly would explain the odd behavior. Does this happen often?" she asked, tilting her head sideways to examine the appendage.


"Yes, but only when I look or think about you. I find your appearance pleasing and it seems to also."


"Strange," she said, glancing at it again and then at herself. "I find you pleasing to look at, but I have nothing to show for it."




Feeling an overwhelming sense of disappointment, he scuffed a foot.


"Well, nothing either of us can see. I get a strange feeling between here," placing her hand between her thighs. "But," shrugging, she didn’t finish the sentence.




The sadness in his voice made her uncomfortable.


"There is one more thing," she offered hesitantly, wanting to cheer him up.


"What?" he asked eagerly.




Lilith pointed at the small nubs protruding from the two orbs on her chest.


"These little things get hard and stick out, just like that," she said pointing to his hardened limb.


"Really? I never noticed. Is it painful?" Gently poking at one with a fingertip, he noticed it was rather firm.


"Sometimes, but if I rub them gently, it eases the pain."


"Oh. Do you think we are supposed to rub these things to ease the discomfort? I've never tried that but it might help."


"Well, I see no reason to think otherwise if it helps me. Why not try it and see?"


Agreeing with her, he did find relief but it was only temporary. Soon, however, like children, they began teasing each other and tried to relieve the other’s discomfort. Unfortunately, they quickly discovered the exchange created new feelings and very different reactions. Deciding it was better to keep their hands to themselves, they tried to ignore the growing urges... and that was the problem. It made them more uncomfortable and created an awkwardness between them.


One day Lilith and Adam were sitting by the lake watching several birds paddling near the bank. Both had been contemplating their dilemma, wanting to find a solution. Finally, tossing a small pebble into the water, Adam turned to her hesitantly.


"Lilith? I've been thinking about this difference between you and me."


"So have I. It's obvious you have this thing between your legs for a reason and I don't. We have discovered we like rubbing ourselves and enjoy stroking each other. Perhaps your limb was meant to give us both some type of pleasure. If you stroke me with it..."


"My thoughts exactly!" interrupted Adam, smiling broadly. "Would you like to find out?"


"I think I would."


Lying down on the lush carpet of grass, they tentatively ran their hands slowly up and down each other’s bodies, shy but determined to continue their experiment. Soon, flushed by unfamiliar passions, Adam rolled Lilith onto her back and nudged her knees apart.


"What are you doing?" she demanded, pushing him away.


"I... uh... what I felt I needed to," he replied, confused by her rejection.


"Need? You feel the need to climb on me?"


"Well, not exactly, but I thought you wanted me to rub myself against you."


"I don't see what that has to do with you pressing me to the earth and climbing on me in such a manner. Surely you don't expect me to enjoy that?"


Shrugging Adam couldn't think of a reasonable reply.


"I don't understand. I thought you wanted this? Do you not feel pleasure from what we have been doing?"


"Yes, but what has that to do with you lying on me? It's like I am less important than you. We shall lie side by side as equals."


Adam frowned. This wasn’t going exactly like he thought.




"Because that is how it should be."


"I don't see how that will work. And what does equality have to do with this? And why argue over something so ridiculous? Obviously, it makes more sense for me to lie on you. After all, it's I who will be stroking you therefore I need to push downward."


"That's ridiculous? If that's your only objection, I can have the top and sit on you. It's just as easy for me to position myself over you. .Besides, you're heavier than I. You would crush me."


"You're almost as tall as I am. I doubt if my lying on you would hurt you," he argued. "Now, enough of this! We're wasting time."


Pushing her gently down, Adam once again tried to mount her. Lilith didn’t know if she was more furious at his efforts to climb on her or that he was ignoring her feelings. Shoving him away, she jumped up and glared down at him, arms crossed defiantly.


"I will not be treated like this. Either I have the top or we lie side by side as equals."


Angrily, Adam rose to his feet and stood in front of her, legs apart, posturing with his hands on his hips.


"This is ridiculous! You're being unreasonable about something that is unimportant."


"I don't think so, and if it's so unimportant, you take the bottom"


"Me? Why should I take the bottom? I've agreed we're equals. That should be enough for you. Why do you keep pursuing something so trivial?"


"Why do you if it's so trivial?" countered Lilith, stamping her foot in frustration. "I tell you what. I'll even compromise on this. You take the bottom first. Afterward, if you wish you may lie on me."


"You really don't expect me to lie beneath you now when you have just said it's an inferior position? That means I would be less than you."


"Ah. I see. The truth comes out now. You expect me to take the bottom but you're not willing to. I was right. You think of yourself as superior to me."


"Lilith, you're beginning to anger me!" .


"And am I suppose to quiver from this anger of yours? Let me tell you something, Adam. I am the one who has a right to be angry. Either we do this as equals or we don't do it at all."


Adam sighed, shaking his head and feeling defeated. Perhaps he needed to switch tactics, he thought.


"Be reasonable, Lilith! Look at me! I'm bigger than you. I have more muscles. I can run faster, swim farther and am a lot stronger. It's obvious I was made this way for a reason."


"And that would be what, exactly?"


"Well... ummm... to be on top, of course," he mumbled, uncomfortable from the odd look in her eyes and unable to think of another answer.


Throwing up her hands, Lilith turned and stormed off.


"Where are you going?"




"Away? Where?" he demanded, running after her.


"Anywhere... away from you... from this. I will not live with someone who believes I am inferior."


"But, where will you go?"


"Anywhere... away from you... away from this. It's not your concern, Adam. Just leave me alone!"


Imitating her behavior, he threw both arms in the air and decided now wasn’t a good time to reason with her. She’d eventually see that he was right. After all, he was Adam. When had he ever been wrong?


"Oh, all right! We can discuss this when you're in a better mood."


She was about to reply when a voice stopped both of them.


"Why do you argue?" it whispered softly.


Looking around neither could locate the source.


"Who are you?" demanded Adam, stepping protectively in front of Lilith. Giving him a disgusted look, she pushed him aside and stepped forward to stand next to him.


"Don't stand in front of me like that," she admonished, cutting him an angry glance. Rolling his eyes, Adam decided to ignore her for the moment and focus on the voice.


A deep laughter was quickly followed by the appearance of a large man with dark red skin. Bowing slightly to Lilith, he turned toward Adam. Smiling slightly, he spread his arms out, palms up in benevolent manner.


"No one you would know. I am the keeper of my Twin’s kingdom and guardian of his creations. This place is one of them... as are the two of you. Now, answer me. Why do you argue?"


"She is being obstinate!" grumbled Adam, nodding at Lilith. "We merely wish to explore these strange urges we are having and she refuses to cooperate."


"Me! I simply refuse to lie beneath you since you think you are superior to me. I will be treated as an equal," declared Lilith, shoving Adam away from her.


"There! You see! Stubborn!" he countered.


"Yes. I see."


"I thought you would. It's obvious you're like me. Naturally, you would understand my point of view."


"Naturally," chuckled the red giant,"but, I'm afraid I don't agree with you. She has a valid point, also. Why do you not take the bottom as she has suggested, Adam? Her compromise sounds reasonable."


"Because I should be on top... at least the first time."




"Because... I am... I mean it makes more sense?" he stuttered, uncomfortable at being challenged by the stranger.


"To whom?"


"To me, of course."


"And what about what Lilith thinks or feels?"


"If she will only do as I say, she will find I'm right?"


Before either Lilith or the stranger could reply, another voice intruded on the conversation.


"What are you doing here?" it roared angrily, causing the ground to vibrate.


"Why trying to settle a quarrel, brother? It would appear there is trouble in Paradise."


"That does not concern you!"


"You wound me. Everything you do concerns me. Who else is there to look after your interests while you tinker with your hobbies?"


"I do not tinker! And I have warned you to stay away from this particular place. You have no business here!"


"As I have said, I was merely looking after your interests. How long were you going to let this argument go on?"


"That is not your concern, and since when did you ever bother with anything other than satisfying your loins, Dis?"


"Really, brother! I should be hurt. You misjudge me. I came to resolve an argument. Nothing more," laughed Dis, knowing his brother was right. Normally he could care less what his Twin was up to but from the moment he noticed Lilith, he had desired her. If he could create a rift between Adam and her, he knew he would be able to entice her away from her would-be mate. Already, she was showing signs of immense intelligence and rebellion... not to mention boredom. The three were a dangerous combination in a perfect world and something his Twin hadn't factored into his formula for this new life form.


"I will resolve this! There is no need for your intervention. You may leave now. Lilith is intelligent. She will see Adam’s logic in time."


"I disagree. Her argument is valid. Why should she place herself beneath her mate? Were they not created from the same dust? Does that not make her his equal?"


"This is not the time for this discussion, brother. Be gone from here!" ordered the Voice. "It is not your place to question what is mine!"


"Forgive me, brother, but I am not yours to order about like your followers. You are neither my master nor my creator. Obviously, the female is at a disadvantage and needs an advocate. Considering how you have sided with this male, I now assume the role of her protector," declared Dis, crossing his massive arms. "She is more than capable of dealing with him but she does not stand a chance against you."


Thunder rumbled in the distance. As lightning flashed across the skies, Lilith and Adam cowered, afraid for the first time. They had never experienced such a display and found it disconcerting.


"Dis! I will not tell you again! Leave this place!" boomed the Voice. "You have overstepped yourself on this one! I will not be challenged even by you on this matter."


"And I will not be ordered about as if I were your servant. I now understand the female's feelings," reiterated Dis, more for show than anything else. Defending her would definitely impress her.


Lilith and Adam listened with interest to the exchange. Adam seemed confused and a little frightened. Lilith, however, was more amused at the battle of wills, once she realized the Voice's anger was not directed at them. Hearing it defend his position, Adam grew confident he was justified on insisting his mate obey him. Lilith, on the other hand, recognized a kindred spirit in the red giant.


"Stop this!" she demanded stepping bravely forward. "I don't care who you are. I will not obey you or him!" she proclaimed, pointing at Adam and emboldened by Dis's presence and support.


"We will discuss this later, child," admonished the Voice tenderly, its tone softening to a low whisper.


"My name is Lilith, not child! And, no! We will not! There will be no discussion later. Either you instruct Adam that I am his equal or I'll leave this place."


When the Voice didn’t answer, Lilith looked to Dis for help. Smiling broadly, he bowed slightly and took her hand.


"She has made her wishes clear, brother. Now you must make yours."


"She is a child. They are both children, too young to understand the importance of this experiment. Neither knows what they want at this time. Now leave us and I will settle this dispute once and for all."


At that moment Lilith knew if Dis left, the Voice would probably force her to obey Adam; at least temporarily until she found a way to escape. Unwilling to concede defeat, she looked at the red-skinned man beseechingly.


"You have nothing to worry about, my dear," Dis assured her, patting her hand. "I am sorry, brother, but when you described this experiment, you told me you had created Adam and Lilith with free wills to see how they would evolve. I warned you it wouldn't work having made the same mistake with my minions. Perhaps you have achieved more than you wished or they have evolved faster than you thought, but there is no turning back. She has made her choice and I will make sure she achieves it."


Before the Voice could reply, they vanished leaving a bewildered Adam alone and dumbfounded.


"Where did she go?" he asked, turning in a circle like a confused child.


The skies exploded in brilliant flashes of lightning as the thunder grew louder, shaking the earth beneath his feet. Frightened, he sank to his knees and covered his head with his arms.


"I will not be defied in such a way!" roared the Voice and then quieted. "Do not be afraid, Adam. Nothing will harm you," he added, soothingly, feeling remorse at having terrified the human. Things were not going as he had planned but he truly loved all of his creations and wanted them to be happy.


"Will she come back?" asked Adam timidly, feeling very alone.


"Yes. Contrary to what my Twin has said, she has no choice. I will have her returned to you very soon. Now go rest."


Adam nodded gratefully. Already he missed her. If he had known all of this was gong to happen, he would have willingly let her have the top. Even now he regretted the disagreement.