THE DARK ONE watched in fascination. The two mortals torturing the young woman were deriving an unnatural pleasure from their actions.


"I will never understand this craving mortals have for such pleasures of the flesh, old friend," Intunecat said to Curaco, his raven. "It's their greatest weakness."


Waving his hand, the images vanished.


"Fly to the Earth Mother and request her presence at the Eternal Flame. I'll be waiting."


Curaco vanished from the blackness and reappeared in the light, large wings flapping slowly as he traveled the spirit world.


Mari arrived at the fire only moments after Intunecat.


"You sent for me?"


"Yes. Have you felt anything unusual this night?" he asked.


"No. Should I?"


"Maybe not. As I said, you have been away from your people a long time. Watch!" he ordered, waving his hand in front of the flame.


Mari watched a replay of the scene Intunecat had seen earlier.


"Is she not one of your people?"


"Yes, she is," Mari replied quietly, looking away for an instant. The dark spirit said nothing. Mari was angry... a rare event. Her quiet response, the icy look in her pale eyes fascinated him. Never had he seen anything so beautiful. For the first time, he felt a stirring deep within him, an emotion he couldn't quite understand. How wonderful it must be to love someone so completely, he thought. Shaking his hooded head, he waited patiently for her to speak.


"When did this happen?" demanded Mari, returning her gaze to the images in the flame.


"This night."


"Yemaya must be told. She's the only one who can help this child until I think of something."


"Yes, but these mortals want her also. Do you think it wise to include her? She’ll let her emotions guide her. I won’t allow that."


"You won't allow it? Who are you to decide the fate of my daughter?"


"I'm the only one who isn't affected by emotion, my dear. Even now you seethe with anger over this child. What will you do if it's your own blood under this creature's control? Spirits have very little power in the mortal world except when they take mortal form and then we are all vulnerable. Would you risk your realm for the life of one person?"


"For her, I would risk it all," Mari declared, truthfully.


"That is precisely my point. I said you would let your emotions rule. That's why you need me."


"And me," said Maopa, appearing by Mari's side. "He be right, yah knowed. As much as I hates tah side with this un, now ain't the time for chargin in. Even you ken be kilt ifn yah ain't careful and then all be lost for both them and us'en."


"So what am I to do? Nothing?"


"No, this chile needs you more'n Yemaya. We'll go to her. She'll need us till yah kin can get tah her."


"And I'll make sure Yemaya's life-mate knows what's happening," offered Intunecat.


"I don't want you near Yemaya or Dakota,"


"A truce, Mari. Now isn't the time for us to battle over them. We can save that for the future. I promise to be only the messenger."


"Very well," She agreed, reluctantly. "I’ll hold you to your word, Intunecat."


Taking Maopa's hand, the two women vanished.


*  *  *


Lonnie was sitting at the nurse's desk writing her report on Jane Doe. She had already given a police report to Officer Finley. It would be up to him to contact her family. Momentarily distracted by a warm breeze ruffling the lose papers around her, she looked up and glanced around trying to locate the source. Definitely it hadn't come from the ER doors since the temperature outside was below freezing. Seeing no one around, she went back to making notes on the patient's chart.


"Please excuse the intrusion. I'm here to see my niece."


Lonnie shivered. The voice was low and sultry. Looking up, she saw two women, one very tall and slender with pale blue eyes the color of frozen ice but warm like a gentle flame. Her long black hair hung loosely around her shoulders. Beside her stood a smaller, blonde haired woman with Twinkling dark green eyes.


"What room is she in?" Lonnie asked.


"Now that be the..." Mari nudged Maopa with her elbow.


"We're not sure, miss. The authorities just informed us that she was brought here. Her name is Sasha. She's twenty-two and was an... an assault victim."


"Oh, our Jane Doe. Do you mind if I ask your names?"


"My name is Yemaya and this is my partner, Dakota. Sasha was meeting us for dinner, but never showed up. After a few hours, we decided to call the hospitals and authorities to see if she was in an accident. We just found out she was here."


"And we be a wantin to see her," piped in Dakota.


Lonnie stared at the strange speaking woman. Now that's as backwoods as it gets, she thought.


"I see. Well, Jane... Sasha is in room 403. She hasn't regained consciousness yet. I don't know how much the police have told you but she's suffered some serious injuries and not all physical, I'm afraid. I wish I could say we were able to correct all of the physical damage but we couldn't."


The two women listened as Lonnie explained the extent of Sasha's injuries and the final prognosis. She'd never have kids and quite possibly would suffer severe psychological trauma for a long time. When Lonnie finished, she escorted them to Sasha's room. With the oxygen tube under her nose and the IV in her arm, the girl looked frail and vulnerable.


"Any idea when she might wake up?"


"Not really. These cases are hard to tell. Maybe in a few hours or it might be days or weeks. Everything depends on her and her will."


"Well, thank you, doctor. If you don't mind, we'll sit with her awhile."


Lonnie left them alone with the unconscious woman.


*  *  *


Sasha was lost. The darkness was impenetrable and cold. Panicking, she struggled to find a way out. About to give up hope, she felt a warm voice calling to her. A spec of light appeared to her right.


"Sasha, it's me! Yemaya. I have you now. Just follow the light."




"Yes, Sasha. I've come to take you home. Andrei is waiting for you. He misses you."


"I hurt so bad." cried Sasha.


"I know. The pain will go away soon, but now you must come to me. I can't help you until you do."


"I'm trying, Mistress. She hurt me so bad. I'm afraid."


"There's nothing to fear, Sasha. She can't harm you now. I promise. It's time to come home."


Sasha followed the voice, as it wrapped itself warmly around her, leading her toward consciousness. She struggled desperately to open her eyes. The room was dimly lit. When she finally focused on the two people standing by her bed, she immediately recognized Yemaya. The other woman was a stranger.




"I'm here, Sasha. And this is my friend, Dakota. How are you feeling?"


"I don't know. I'm so confused. What happened?" she asked, wincing from the pain.


"I'll tell you later, dear. Sleep now. You'll feel better after you rest."


Sasha had always loved the Mistress's voice. Something was different about it, though. Now it seemed more soothing than normal; unnaturally so, she thought as she drifted into a peaceful slumber. The psychological trauma was temporarily suppressed so the body could heal.


When Lonnie came to check on Sasha and the two visitors, the room was empty except for her sleeping patient. Satisfied she was resting peacefully, the doctor decided to clock out and go home. It had been a very long night. At least no one died on her shift.


*  *  *


Dakota awoke to blackness. Blinking she felt confused.


Damn, Either I’m dreaming or I'm blind.


She felt the laughter rather than heard it; and it was very cold.


"Welcome to my world, Little One."


Intunecat? God I hope this is a dream," Dakota thought, trying to wake up.


"No dream, my dear... and God can’t hear you. I'm real or at least as real as I can be at the moment."


"Cripeez! Just what I need! You in my mind," she swore.


"Don't worry. I'm not in your mind. That would be a challenge, one I'm not interested in at the moment. Tonight I am merely the messenger," explained the Dark One.


"Messenger? From whom? What message?"


"Mari and Maopa, of course. As to the message, well, first you must hear what I have to say."


Intunecat described precisely what had happened to Sasha. It wasn't his nature to spare feelings or leave out details. By the time he was finished, Dakota was so angry she felt she could kill the woman herself.


"Do you have this woman’s name?"


"Names mean nothing to me but you will find she owns a business at the waterfront where you live. She is a seller of women."


"Seller of women?"


"Yes. Male mortals have needs. She provides them with the means to satisfy them."


"Are you saying she’s a pimp?"


"No. She... what is the phrase you humans use? She... markets them... against their will."


"Shit. She’s in the fucking sex-slave trade business."


Intunecat merely nodded.


"So, what is it we're supposed to do?" Dakota demanded, angrily.


Intunecat chuckled. Dakota was well suited as the life-mate of Yemaya.


"You must keep Yemaya focused. She'll become emotional just as you have. In her case, it could be deadly. Because she is Carpi, she feels more deeply than most. That is her greatest weakness. You know her darkness but even you don’t realize the depth of it. It wants its freedom. This must not happen. Make sure Yemaya stays in control of herself. You are the key to her survival. Until Yemaya tames it, she is a danger to herself and everyone around her."


"Not me," countered Dakota. "Never me."


"Even you, Little One," Intunecat replied, calmly. "You are both Yemaya's strength and her weakness. Don't underestimate either possibility."


"I'll do what I have to. How will we know where to find Sasha?"


"You'll know." promised Intunecat. "Now return to Yemaya. She's waking and will need you."


*  *  *


Yemaya wasn't sure what woke her. Perhaps a dream she wasn't remembering. Whatever it was, the pain was real. Unable to shake the feeling that something was horribly wrong, she decided there wasn't much she could do at the moment. Time revealed everything. Wrapping her arm around Dakota, she snuggled against her side, relaxed and drifted off to sleep.


Dakota awoke feeling strangely disoriented. For a few minutes she lay still, not sure if she should awaken Yemaya and tell her about her conversation with Intunecat. Rubbing her forehead, she wasn’t even sure it was real or a dream. Deciding she couldn’t take the chance, she gently shook Yemaya.


"Hey, sweetie wake up."


Groaning slightly and burrowing further into Dakota’s chest, Yemaya tried to ignore the soft voice calling to her.


"Come on. We need to talk. It’s important," coaxed Dakota.


Opening one pale blue eye, Yemaya stared at her lover for a few seconds.


"It's about Sasha."


"What about Sasha?"


"She's been hurt. Get dressed and I’ll tell you all about it while I call a cab."


By the time the taxi arrived, a cold rage burned inside Yemaya. Dakota could feel the fury beneath her lover's calm exterior. Intunecat was right. The Illusionist was being consumed by her anger.


"Intunecat told you this?"


"Yes. At first I thought it was a dream but it’s just too real... like when Mari and Grandma Dakota visit us."


When Yemaya didn’t say anything, Dakota began to worry.


"Talk to me, Yemaya."


Yemaya barely heard Dakota. Her mind was on Sasha and what she had just learned. No one harmed her people without suffering the consequences. She would enjoy making this woman pay for her actions.


"Damn it, Yemaya. Tell me what's going on inside that head of yours."


Yemaya gave her a blank look, still lost in her own thoughts. For a split second, Dakota thought her lover's eyes had changed from icy blue to coal black and was afraid. Shaking her head, she grabbed Yemaya's arm and shook it.


"What?" Yemaya finally asked, calmly; too calmly.


"I said tell me what you're thinking...  What are you feeling?"


"Anger, of course. I am angry. How else am I supposed to feel?"


"No different, sweetie. I just want to make sure it’s only that. Okay? So what now?"


"Now, we check on Sasha. Afterward, I find this woman."


"And then?"


"And then I will kill her." It was said so coldly that Dakota shivered.


"No!" Dakota ordered.


"No what?"


"You won't kill her. At least not unless you absolutely have to."


"And why not?"


"Because I'm asking you not to. Promise me you won't, Yemaya."


"I cannot do that. Do not ask of me a promise I am unable to keep, Dakota. It is not my way." Yemaya stared into Dakota's eyes, sensing the fear. She had known from the beginning there would come a time when she would have to choose between the Carpi way and her love for Dakota. Sighing, she lowered her eyes. "I cannot be anything but who I am," she whispered, sadly.


Dakota closed her eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks.


So this is it, she thought.


Fingers gently wiped the tears before they could fall.


"But I will try my best not to," promised Yemaya, her voice husky. "I cannot give you more than that, my love. I am Carpi and the protector of my people... as were my ancestors before me. That is the very reason I have unique abilities and this is the price I pay because of them."


"I know, Yemaya. But you can choose to be something more than just a product of your history. I don't want to lose you."


Yemaya gathered the smaller woman in her arms, holding her tightly. Pushing the rage back, she felt it reluctantly retreat. For the first time in her life she realized something within her was capable of destroying both her and Dakota's love... a raging beast lurking in the dark recesses of her mind, patiently waiting to break its bond and seize control of the Illusionist.