YEMAYA HAD JUST arrived back at the penthouse when the phone rang.




"Hey, sweetie! How are things?"


"Hey to you too," Yemaya laughed, thrilled at hearing Dakota's voice. "And things are going well. Sonny wants me to look at some investment property. It could prove valuable for some ideas I have been tossing around."


"I can’t wait to hear about it. Listen, Gram is doing better now. Mom says her heart and BP have improved considerably so there's no need for you to fly out. Instead of hanging around here until you’re done, I’m thinking of heading back in a few days. Maybe we can plan a trip back here when she's feeling a little better. Besides, I need to check out my apartment in Baltimore. Care to take a little detour and maybe an extension to our vacation?"


"That sounds like a plan? Just let me know when you need the jet and I can have Sharon fly down and pick you up." Yemaya offered.


"Cool! I should be able to leave the day after tomorrow if everything goes well. I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you."


"We have only been separated one day, but I miss you too. So what are you going to do tonight?"


"I’m not sure. Just hang out with mom and Grams. I might go into town and see what’s new? Visit a few friends."


"Well, now, I am gone just one day and already you are on the prowl, eh?"


"Like you really need to worry about that!" Dakota scoffed.


"Oh, I worry. Well, I guess I should work on a few ideas for the new show. You go play."


"Gee! Thanks. I feel like I've just been demoted to a child. Listen, let me know when you plan on arriving at BWI and I’ll pick you up at the airport."


"Will do. Until then, stay out of trouble for a change."


"Yeah, yeah... look who's talking. Love you! Bye, bye."


"I love you too. Bye."


The next day Dakota caught up on the latest gossip from both her grandmother and mother. Taking advantage of her daughter’s visit, Tee decided to meet a few friends she had neglected during her own mother’s illness. Pashna secretly confided in her granddaughter that Tee was turning into a stuffy old woman and needed the break. It was obvious to everyone that Gram was improving. On the journalist’s second day at the ranch, Pashna decided to get out of bed and sit in the rocker on the front porch. Listening to the tales Gram told, Dakota decided she wanted to write a book on her ancestry. If she could get her mother involved by recording her grandmother's stories, she felt she would have enough unusual material to be of interest to a certain niche of readers, particularly anyone fascinated with Native American culture. Her departure on Tuesday left everyone a little melancholy but Dakota promised to fly back with Yemaya in a few weeks before their return to Moldova.


"If you two behave I might even be able to get you an invitation to Yemaya’s castle."


"Might?" challenged her mother, crossing her arms and glaring at her ominously.




"Don’t you worry about it, Child," Pashna interrupted. "I’ll make sure your mom behaves herself. I still haven’t met this magic woman of yours, but I’m figurin she’s already family."


Recognizing the name Granny Dakota used to describe Yemaya, Dakota felt a sense of relief. The spirits were definitely looking after Pashna.


"Good! I’ll let you know when to pack. I love you two. Oh... and behave. Neither of you are spring chickens anymore."


Looking at each other, the two women smirked and then grinned.


"Children!" Tee said, rolling her eyes. "No respect!"


"She’s your daughter! It’s obvious she takes after you," Pashna teased.


Driving off, Dakota chuckled quietly at their friendly banter. Tee and Pashna were always picking on each other. It was a sign of their strong bond.


*  *  *


Arriving in Baltimore four hours later, Dakota caught a cab to her flat and threw herself on her bed, exhausted. Rhonda left a message on the refrigerator that she had made a salad and would call her later to catch up on the news. Along with the note was a newspaper clipping advertising a newly discovered nightclub in town. Her friend had written the words ‘check this out in the margin.


She was almost asleep when her cell phone chirped.


"Devereaux," she replied, yawning.


"You sound tired," whispered a husky voice, sending a shiver down Dakota’s spine.


"Damn you’re good!" Dakota replied, rolling over on her stomach.


The soft laughter at the other end made her groan.


"Are you all right?"


"No! I’ve gone from tired to horny. How are you?"


"Oh, I would say in a similar state and no way to scratch that particular itch. How was the flight?"


"Good. I’m going to make it an early night and then take care of some business tomorrow. Rhonda left me an ad about a nightclub she just heard about so I might check it out before you get here. No use dragging you somewhere if it’s the typical dyke hangout."


"And that would be?"


"You know. Loud music, very little dancing, pool tables... that sort of thing."


"Well, actually, I have never visited a typical dyke bar so I might find it interesting, but I know what you mean. Anyway I just wanted to hear your voice. Sonny is coming over in about thirty minutes. He has some news about the Charleston fiasco. I can tell you all about it when I get there."


"I hope he knows who was behind it. I’d shoot the bastards myself if I could." Dakota said.


"I believe you would. You get some rest. I should be in Baltimore in a couple of days. Call me tomorrow."


"Count on it. Bye, love."


"Bye... and you too." Yemaya replied softly.