I WAS ON MY BACK, staring up at a dull gray sky. Bits of ash floated through the air, settling on my skin and melting.
I took a deep breath, feeling icy cold pour into my lungs. Scattered flakes of snow continued to float down steadily. A rustling sound was all around me. The pressing heat of flames and suffocating smoke were gone. I rolled over, crouching, trying to make sense of where I was.
Slender, faded yellow columns reached for the sky in straight rows, stretching for what looked like a flat eternity, at last falling off into an infinite horizon.
What the hell? My hand brushed against a dried husk that lay on the frozen earth.
Corn. Cornstalks. I glanced at my feet; the earth below me was hard, caught in the grip of winter’s chill, but even below the dusting of snow I could see the darkness of the rich soil. A field.
Nearby I heard someone gasping for breath. Adne rolled onto her side, grimacing.
“Welcome back to Iowa.”
“Where are we?” I asked, shaking my head. My ears were still ringing.
“On the outer perimeter of the Academy grounds,” Adne said.
Shay groaned, rubbing his stomach. “I think I almost got impaled by a cornstalk. Why aren’t we inside the Academy?”
“I didn’t want to risk us being followed,” Adne said, standing up. “Don’t worry, it’s not far.”
“Hey!” Connor’s shout drew my attention.
Mason in wolf forms, snarled, while Bryn stood apart from them trying to hold on to Ansel, who kept moving away from her.
Nev was on his knees. His hands were locked in a choke hold, holding something against the ground—something that had Mason bristling, ready to attack. Not something—someone.
“What the hell?” Ethan turned and stared at him. He was still holding an unconscious Sabine.
“Calla, what’s wrong with them?” Connor asked.
As I got closer, I could make out golden spikes of hair. It can’t be.
I could hear words gurgling from within the windpipe Nev was slowly crushing.
“Pl . . . please,” Logan choked. “I’m. . . . ungh . . . I’m . . . here . . . to . . . help . . . you. . . .”
“Nev, wait,” I said, grabbing his forearm. “What is he saying?”
“I don’t care.” Nev scowled. Logan’s skin was turning blue.
I stared at them, paralyzed by indecision, not blaming Nev for wanting to hurt the Keeper. Logan remained pinned to the earth, squirming futilely as air was cut off from his lungs. Nev’s face twisted with rage, his grip on Logan’s throat ever tightening.
“Who is that?” Connor was beside us.
“A Keeper,” I said. “That’s Efron Bane’s son.”
“What the hell is he doing here?” Connor blinked at Logan in disbelief. “And how did he get here?”
“I have no idea,” I said.
Logan pushed futilely at Nev’s arms. His eyes rolled up at Connor.
“Save . . . them . . . ,” Logan’s voice squeaked out. “Tristan . . . not . . . dead . . .”
“What?” Connor ducked forward, shoving Nev aside. Now it was Connor over Logan, keeping him down with one booted foot to the chest. Logan gasped and sputtered, reaching up to touch the dark bruises at his throat.
Connor shook him. “What did you just say?”
“Give me asylum.” Logan coughed. “They’ll kill me if you send me back.”
“We’ll take care of that for them,” Nev snarled, still crouching nearby. “You don’t have to go anywhere.”
“Why would we ever give refuge to a Keeper?” I asked, staring at Logan. I didn’t trust him for a moment. He and his father represented everything that had gone wrong in Vail. It was their fault Ren was . . .
The thought barreled me over. Ren. I’d lost him forever. Worse than that, my betrayal had turned him away from any life other than one that was dictated by the Keepers. Tears filled my eyes and I stumbled back. I wanted nothing more than to fall to my knees and claw Logan’s eyes out, using his flesh to tear away the pain that knotted my gut.
Shay was at my side, putting his arms around me, his touch only making my guilt sting like salt in a wound.
“Don’t,” I said, pulling away.
Ethan gazed at Logan with flat eyes. “Kill him.”
Connor nodded, drawing his sword.
Adne gasped when Logan began to laugh. “Such hypocrisy! I thought the Searchers were supposed to be noble. Foolish, of course, but noble all the same.”
“For a dead man you sure jabber a lot,” Connor said, lowering the blade to Logan’s throat.
Logan tensed but kept smiling. “I only meant that if you hadn’t harbored one of my kind, all of your hopes would be dashed already, wouldn’t they?”
“What is he talking about?” Bryn asked. She was listening even as she hovered near my brother. Ansel kept sidling away from her, but she followed him, trying to hold him in spite of his reticence.
“My father,” Shay said quietly. “He’s talking about my father.”
“I knew there was a reason you’re the Chosen One,” Logan said. “Remarkably observant.”
“You aren’t Tristan,” Ethan snapped.
“But I can help you save him,” Logan said.
“What?” Shay darted forward. “What do you mean?”
“What I’ve been trying to say since I stowed away with you,” Logan replied. “Your parents are alive.”
“You’re lying.” The sword Shay held began to shake in his grip.
“Not when my life depends on it,” Logan said. “Tristan and Sarah Doran are alive. You can still save them.”
“What the hell is he talking about?” Nev shouted, pacing next to Connor. “Kill that bastard. I can’t stand the sight of him.”
Mason stalked forward, hackles raised.
“No!” It was Shay who blocked his line of attack before turning back to Logan. “What do you mean, we can still save them? Where are they?”
Logan smiled slowly. “If you want to know, I need assurance that I won’t be harmed.”
“He’s lying,” Nev hissed. “Shut him up now. Cut his tongue out.”
“Wait.” The words wanted to stick in my throat, but I knew Shay was at least partly right about this. “If he knows something about Shay’s parents, we at least have to find out what it is.”
“How about if you don’t tell us, I cut your tongue out?” Connor said, sheathing his sword after Ethan tossed him a dagger.
Logan’s smile vanished. “Barbarian.”
“I consider that a compliment,” Connor said. “You gonna play ball?”
“Stop this!” Silas limped forward, looking a bit singed. “If he has information, we’ll go through an official interrogation.”
“I don’t think I asked for your opinion,” Connor said.
“It’s protocol,” Silas said. “Anika will be furious if you don’t follow it. If this is indeed Efron Bane’s son, he’s not only a valuable informant. He could be a priceless hostage.”
“Brainiac’s got a point,” Ethan said.
Adne sprang forward, one of her skeans raised. “I don’t give a damn about protocol! My father and Isaac are dead because of the Keepers. I want his blood!”
Connor knocked her arm away at the last second, the slash of the skean’s sharp point coming within inches of Logan’s cheek.
“Let me go!” Adne shrieked, sobbing.
Logan was shaking, his eyes bulging as he watched Adne brandish her skeans. “I swear I have information you need. Plus if I wanted to harm you, wouldn’t I have already summoned a wraith?”
No one answered him. I hated that anything Logan said made sense.
Connor lifted his foot and Logan propped himself up on his elbows, which inspired Connor to level the dagger with Logan’s neck.
“If I give you something,” Logan asked, “will you bring me to your Arrow?”
“Depends on how much we think it’s worth,” Connor muttered, his eyes fixed on Adne’s struggle. “Your people have taken a lot from us today. And that’s just today.”
“I can tell you there’s a traitor in your midst. I’ll hand them to you as a sign of good faith.” Logan’s shaking gave way to a smirk that sent a chill skittering over my flesh.
“What traitor?” Connor asked, rolling the edge of the blade along Logan’s throat.
“How do you think we found you?” Logan said. “We’ve been hunting you for years. Did you think we just got lucky today?”
“Someone led you to the Denver outpost,” Connor said.
“Someone you trusted,” Logan said. “Someone you brought back from the dead.”
“No,” Shay growled. “You’re lying.” He stepped in front of me, shielding me from something I did not yet know to be afraid of. What was he talking about?
Logan smiled at him. “You may have power, Scion. But not even you can protect her from this.”
“You heartless bastard,” Shay said. “Stop now or I’ll—”
“Or you’ll what?” Logan said. “Would you kill me to hide the truth? Are my words a crime when they’ll protect your allies?”
“What are you talking about, Keeper?” Connor leaned down, pushing the dagger into his flesh. “I’m losing patience with you.”
“Her brother,” Logan choked against the blade’s pressure. “Calla’s brother. He made a deal with my father and Lumine.”
“No,” I whispered.
Mason snarled, pawing at the earth.
Logan’s eyes were on me. “It’s true. He betrayed you.”
I searched frantically for Ansel, finding him cowering behind Bryn, who had shifted into wolf form and was already growling as if to protect him from impending attack. Mason ran to her, taking up a sentry-like position at her side.
Oh God.
“He’s more of a threat to you than I am,” Logan hissed.
Connor lifted the dagger’s blade, looking up at me. “Calla?”
My throat had closed. I turned away from Connor, darting toward Ansel. Bryn bared her teeth at me, but I grabbed Ansel’s shoulders, shaking him.
“Ansel, please. You have to tell them the truth. Tell them you didn’t do this!!”
Logan had to be lying. He had to be.
The color had leached from Ansel’s face; his eyes rolled up at me. Hollow.
“They said they would make me a wolf again.”
Bryn whimpered. Mason barked, circling Ansel nervously while glancing at me.
I backed away, limbs trembling. I wished I could run—somehow escape this awful truth. But I had nowhere to go.
Connor shook his head. “We’d better sort this out with Anika.”
“Agreed,” Ethan said. His eyes met mine briefly as he readjusted Sabine’s body in his arms, but I couldn’t tell if he was angry or just full of regret.
A sharp whistle came from the dense maze of cornstalks around us, followed by several others. One by one, Strikers, armed to the teeth, emerged from the field around us, encircling our group.
My packmates stood back to back, growling and facing off against the Searchers.
“Wait!” I shouted, throwing myself between the wolves and the approaching warriors.
I was surprised when Ethan came to my side, still cradling Sabine against his chest.
“Stand down.” Anika stepped out from among the warriors.
Nev, Bryn, and Mason backed off slowly, watching the Searchers, still bristling, waiting to see what would happen next. Ansel scrambled behind us, not speaking, hunched over as if he wanted to be as small and unremarkable as possible.
“Thank you,” Anika said. She glanced at Ethan holding Sabine in his arms, then arched an eyebrow at him. His grip on the unconscious girl only tightened.
Anika’s gaze kept moving. When it settled on Shay, seeing him unharmed, she seemed to relax slightly.
She turned to Connor, voice like a knife. “What is the meaning of an unscheduled drop? And with Guardians in tow? You’re lucky we didn’t you attack on sight.”
Connor didn’t flinch. “Couldn’t be helped.”
“I expect a full report.” She clucked her tongue. “Where is Monroe?”
“Dead,” Adne said. “And the Keepers hit Denver.”
“How?” Anika gasped. “What happened?”
Connor looked at me, but he didn’t answer her.
“The alpha’s brother turned on her,” Logan said, trying to sit up. Connor shoved him back down.
“Who are you?” Anika walked toward the pair.
“My name is Logan Bane,” he said, glaring at Connor. “And I’m here to offer my help, if your muscle doesn’t kill me first.”
“Bane?” Anika said. “A Keeper?”
“Yes, I’m a Keeper,” Logan said. “But I’ve abandoned my father and the rest of my kind. I don’t belong there. I belong with you.”
“Not likely,” Connor growled.
“You’d be a fool to refuse my offer,” Logan snapped. “I’m handing you the Scion’s parents.”
“Tristan and Sarah?” Anika knelt beside Logan. “For your sake, I hope you’re telling the truth.”
“I am.”
“Don’t listen to him.” Adne pushed Connor away as he tried to grab her. “He’s a Keeper. Anika, my father is dead!”
“Can we settle this later?” Silas limped to Anika’s side. “I don’t know how much time we have.”
Anika took in his disheveled appearance, frowning. “What do you mean?”
“The Denver outpost is compromised,” Silas said. “That’s why we’re uninvited guests. If they managed to get their hands on the intelligence that’s housed there before the building burned down, they’ll know where the Academy is.”
The color slowly drained from Anika’s face. “No.”
“Yes,” Silas said. “The Academy must be moved. Now.”