Several thousand uneventful years later...

The Keeper neared the end of his great chore. Everything from the dawn of time to the near end of creation lay stacked before him in an intimidating mountain of parchment. With Desaphanus dead, there was very little reason to keep recording, but the Keeper had to see how it all turned out. Now that he had, he was ready to take a very long break. First, there was one final detail that needed recording.

"And lo, Tod caught two pike and a bass, and Pira snagged a sizable trout."

He tapped his overgrown finger against the desk.

"One of the pike was thrown back."

He set aside his quill. "Good enough."

The Keeper snuffed the candle on his desk, turned towards the stairs with a smile, and began his long climb out of the Catacombs.