Core Pose 15: The “X”

Kneeling like this gives your body an "x" shape! Accentuate your hips by pushing them forward a bit and rocking your weight to one side.





Flow Series 15: (The “X”)

This stance is a great personality shot, get creative! As you shift your weight from one hip to the other, exude attitude, pout, smirk, whatever rocks your socks! Keep pace with the photographer's rhythm and pause between each look.






Core Pose 16: Zig-Zags

Zig-zag's galore! Put your weight on one bun and pivot your hips in that direction while splaying your legs in front of you in a "running" position. Point the toes and take a deep breath for the photo!






Flow Series 16: (Zig-Zags)

Negative space is a key component here, so keep that in mind as you move your arms from pose to pose with each click of the shutter.