TIRED OF fighting, Sabnock accepted the medical discharge offered to her after her last tour in Afghanistan. Had she not been so depressed, she would have found it amusing to be perfectly fit while listening to the military doctor telling her she wouldn't be able to carry her backpack or pass the fitness test. After collecting her final paycheck, she disappeared. Several of her military buddies tried their best to locate her but it was as if she had disappeared from the planet. Eventually they gave up, assuming she had either been killed somewhere or just didn't want to be found.


*  *  *


Fifteen years later, Sabnock found herself working for NYPD as a bomb specialist. Changing the records on her background was a simple matter for a demoness. She could always make the documents reflect whatever facts she wanted and change her appearance enough to make sure she wasn't recognized if she ever ran into anyone from her past.


Putting on her uniform, she stared blankly at the image in the mirror. As much as she wanted to, she could never bring herself to change her hair color or style. That was perhaps the one weakness in her appearance that could give her away. Still, if anyone asked, she didn't look a day over 30 and had her records to back her up. Lynara Sabnock no longer existed. She was Brandy Sabnock, no relation. Her fellow officers called her Red.


"You going to the New Year's party next week?" Sylvia asked, slamming her locker shut.


"Nah. I never liked those things. I'll probably stay home."


"You are sooo predictable. I just won fifty bucks."


"How's that?" Sabnock asked, snapping her utility belt around her waist.


"The guys bet me you'd either show up at the party or be out with some hot chick."


"You'd think they'd know better by now. They've been making that bet for the last three years."


"I love suckers who never learn. So, considering I'm going to be fifty bucks richer, you want to meet me for a few drinks after we get off? My treat."


"Sure, as long as something doesn't come up. Catch ya later."


Grabbing her hat, Sabnock strolled away, her long legs giving her a natural grace. Several officers, male and female, stopped what they were doing to watch her. Sylvia shook her head, wishing she could attract that sort of attention.