LUBRETTE KNEW that as a woman she would have a difficult time being accepted by the American soldiers, even though her skills as a mercenary were impeccable. Had it not been for Major Stanley, she wouldn't even be here. She first met him in Da Nang at a local whorehouse. Lubrette instantly recognized him as an American Army officer. The short hair and the way he walked would have been enough, but it was the way he spoke that cinched it. Well educated, he was out of place at the dark, smoky brothel, especially since it was obvious he was there for the same thing the enlisted men were, cheap sex.


Watching him through the haze, she wondered what would bring a young officer to such a sleazy place when he could find plenty of beautiful women at the exclusive clubs that had sprung up for those with money.


The night she first noticed him, he had ordered a glass of the home brew and looked around. Seeing all the chairs taken and not wanting to mingle with the locals or the few enlisted men, he spied the empty chair by a tall redheaded woman. No one seemed anxious to sit next to her so he walked over, curious.


"Is this seat taken?" he asked, his voice raised so she could hear him over the raucous laughter and chatter of the customers. Not receiving an immediate answer, he shrugged and turned.


Guess so, he thought.


"It's not."


Looking back he saw her kick the chair toward him and nod.


"Thanks. You sure you don't mind?"


"If I did I'd have let you walk."


Taking her comment as an invitation, he sat down and motioned for a waitress to bring two more drinks.


"I'm surprised you're by yourself," he said, conversationally.




"Women usually don't even come into these types of places, let alone by themselves. You can't be here for the local entertainment."


"Why not?"


"Well, because. You're sure not very talkative are you?"


Even in the dim light, he could tell her eyes were green. At the moment they gave away nothing about what she was thinking.


"I wasn't aware you were looking for someone to talk to."


"Okay. Maybe if I introduce myself... and before you start to think I'm looking for a pickup, I'm not."


"That's good. I'm the wrong person if you are. Men aren't exactly my thing."


"That's fine with me. I'm not into relationships and you don't look like you would be someone I'd want to have one with if we ever got together. By the way, my name's Gary."


"Lubrette," she said, shaking the hand he had extended toward her.


"Lubrette. Never knew anyone with that name. You French?"


"Why do you ask?"


"No reason, I guess. Just curious. I've noticed there are still quite a few around. I guess they decided to stay after France pulled out of here."


"I guess. You're American I take it?"


"Yep. One hundred percent."


"So what are you doing in a place like this? You aren't the typical clientele."


Gary shrugged.


"It's safe."


"Safe? Here?"


Laughing, Gary took a swig of beer and choked. Coughing, he wiped his chin with his arm.


"Well, for what I need, yeah."


"You into smack or whores?"


Gary laughed.


"Whores. I don't do drugs."


"You can't get a clean woman with your looks and money?" Lubrette asked, surprised that the young officer would come to this type of place for sex.


"I could. Unfortunately, clean is the one thing I don't want. It's a little late for me now and I'm not about to pass my problem on to someone else, sooo..." Gary shrugged.


"I see. Syph or Hep."


"You don't waste time, do you?"


The woman shrugged.


"Any reason I should?"


"I guess not. Hep C. No cure and most of the women here already have it and probably everything else."


"And the everything else doesn't scare you?"


"Not really. I figure I'm a dead man anyway. If some VC bullet or booby-trap doesn't get me, the Hep will in a few years."


"There's always a chance someone will come up with a cure."


"Well, if they do, then I figure they'll be able to cure everything else too. Anyway, what brings you here? It sure can't be the sex. A woman with your looks can get that anywhere, man or woman."


Lubrette stared at the soldier for a few seconds.


"No. I come here to pick up a job now and then. It's a good spot to make connections."


"What kind of work, if you don't mind me asking?"


"Mercenary. I'm a guide."


"You!" he exclaimed, surprised. "What kind of guide?"


"Whatever kind you need. I know these jungles like you know your hometown. I know every village, every trail, every rat hole."


Lubrette could tell he doubted her.


"You want references? Call Colonel Ingram with the 4th Infantry. He's with Special Ops."


"I know him. Maybe I will. Look, I have to go. Maybe we'll see each other again."


Lubrette doubted it but nodded.


*  *  *


Four nights later, she was sitting in the same spot, drinking some hooch, when she noticed Gary leaning against the bar talking to three Vietnamese soldiers she recognized. Two of them had accompanied her on several reconnaissance expeditions deep into the jungle. The third she had heard rumors about. He wasn't someone she'd want at her back.


Signaling to a barmaid, she gave her a few bucks and told her to bring Gary to the table. Minutes later, he showed up smiling.


"Hey, how goes it?" he asked.


"Fine. Just thought I'd warn you about one of those fellas you were chatting with."


Looking back at the three men, Gary frowned.


"Word is they can be trusted."


"Two yes, but the one with the scar on his neck is Viet Cong."


"How do you know?"


"I know," Lubrette said, but didn't say anything more.


"Thanks. By the way, Ingram sends his regards."


"Back at him," she replied.


Glancing around the room, Gary looked like he wanted to say something else, but hesitated.


"Listen, we need to talk, but not here."


"Name the place."


"My place and no this isn't a pick up. I just don't want to talk here."


"Works for me."


Giving her the time and location, Gary left. An hour later, Lubrette followed, making sure she wasn't being followed. The Viet Cong had spies everywhere. Most knew Lubrette Sabnock. More than once, she had been targeted for assassination but had managed to thwart each attempt. The assassins paid dearly for their mistakes.


*  *  *


Ringing the small bell outside Gary's door, she glanced up and down the hall, checking to see if anyone else was around. At four in the morning, most people were in bed. When Gary answered, he also looked around and then motioned her inside.




"No thanks. I'm at my limit now. What's up?"


"Straight to the point. I like that. Let me show you something."


Walking to a small makeshift desk, he unrolled a map and pointed to a spot.


"Quang Ngai. You know this province?"


"Yes. Why?"


"Well, we hear that the VC's 48th Battalion is in that area. If we can take them out or at least inflict some serious damage, it'll be a major blow to the Cong. We need several guides who know that area intimately. Ingram said you were the first on his list."


"You want me to find them?"


"Yes and no. We think they've holed up in a small village called Son My. If we can get to them without being discovered, we can surround them and wipe them out."


"And the villagers?"


"We're just after the VC, not civilians," Gary said, sounding indignant.


"Right. Who do you have in the area now?"


"You mean units? The 1st Battalion and 11th Brigade. Why?"


"I've heard rumors about them. They aren't very discreet about their hatred for the VC or anyone else that gets in their way."


Gary nodded. He had also heard about the group, particularly C Company. Ingram had assured him the men were good soldiers as long as someone kept a firm hand on them.


"I'll be heading up this assignment. They'll do as they're ordered and nothing more."


"Okay. How long before we leave?"


"In three days. Meet me at hanger 31 and we'll helicop to Quang Ngai City. From there we'll finalize everything."


"And who am I suppose to ask for? I'm sure there are a lot of Garys around."


"Oh, right. Major Gary Stanley, Special Ops."


Lubrette left without saying anything else. Gary shook his head and wondered how he was going to introduce the handsome woman to his men. Women were usually considered a liability on the front line.


*  *  *


When Lubrette arrived at the hanger, she was dressed in green cammies, a utility belt holding two semi-automatics, several clips, a large hunting knife and several small leather cases attached to the belt. Her right boot had another knife sheathed on the outside near her calf. The men would have been surprised at the things they didn't see. Her backpack carried everything needed to take care of wounds, disinfectant, water, and several magazine clips for her M-16A1 rifle, which was strapped to her pack. Food wasn't a problem for her since she could live off the land.


Major Stanley had updated his officers on Lubrette and her credentials. Apparently some had heard of her already and were curious about the woman who was going to help them defeat the VC. The skeptics were quickly silenced by their CO and told to get over it.


The flight to Quang Ngai City took about four hours. From the base they caught two more helicopters to the C Company's camp. Lubrette was introduced to the soldiers that evening after mess. Several of the men protested, declaring they weren't following a woman. Others made the typical male lewd remarks, wanting to impress their buddies. Lubrette took everything in stride, ignoring everyone until one soldier walked up to her and ran his eyes up and down her body as if she were a piece of meat.


"I ain't goin' nowhere with you, except maybe in my bedroll," he said, glancing cockily at his buddies.


Lubrette snorted and turned to walk away. She hated stupidity and was more than willing to let the idiot's arrogance slide. Unfortunately, the soldier was more stupid than she thought. Grabbing her by the shoulder he spun her around and tried to capture her in a crude embrace. Before he knew what happened, he was lying on the ground on his back, with a knife pressed against his neck. Two men jumped up to rescue him when Lubrette pulled out another knife with her left hand and threw it at one while glaring at the other. Letting out a scream, one of the rescuers found his boot pinned to the ground, the knife imbedded in his foot. Before anyone could react, she had pulled her gun and was pointing it at the second man, her other knife still pressed against her assaulter's neck.


"I wouldn't!" she hissed, her voice low and angry.


"What's going on here?" Major Stanley demanded, walking toward the group of men who were now grumbling.


"Nothing," Lubrette said, holstering her gun and sheathing her knife.


Standing, she brushed her pants off and walked away.


Several minutes later, Gary caught up to her and handed her the second knife.


"I think you lost this," he said, guessing at what had happened. None of the men wanted to talk about being bested by a woman.




"I'm not sure how it got into Kappleman's boot, but he's going to be out of commission for a few days."


"Accidents happen."


"Yeah. Well, hopefully, there won't be any others. We need everyone we can get."


"Guess it's up to the guys to watch themselves then."


"I guess. We'll be moving out tomorrow. Do you need anything?"


"No. Just make sure we have plenty of ammunition. I don't want us to come up short if we get trapped somewhere."


"I thought it was your job to keep that from happening," Gary teased.


"I'm a scout and guide, not God."


"Too bad. I have a feeling we could use him about now."


Major Gary Stanley didn't know how prophetic his words were.