DARIA dropped down onto the grass hard enough to make her teeth clack. She rolled to the side, and lay still for a moment, heart thumping in her chest. God, she hoped there were no dogs. She could handle almost any kind of alarm, but dogs were tricky. This had to be the fiftieth time she’d done B&E in the line of duty, and every time it gave her a case of nerves.
Alejandro had boosted her up over the fence, at the same time as Brandon had disabled—just for about ten seconds—the trip alarm that ran around the interior perimeter of the fence. It had given her enough time to use her shiny new vampiric strength and agility to get over the fence and roll to the side, away from the laser beam that, if tripped, would reveal her location.
Inhaling the scent of freshly cut grass, she waited for several moments. No barking met her ears. Oh, that was so good.
She pushed to her feet and made her way into the trees, knowing that Brandon and Alejandro, unable to hoist themselves easily over the fence because of their size, had melted into the shadows.
The place was guarded, but not overly so. As far as she could tell he had a standard security setup. It wasn’t anything that, with her specialized training, she couldn’t easily circumvent on her own.
Sante probably didn’t feel he needed anything more than mild deterrents, just enough to protect himself from admirers. After all, the compound itself was a fortress. They handpicked and investigated every person before they allowed them through the front gate.
Lucky for her, since she wasn’t equipped to break into an expertly guarded house right now. But she could do a run-of-the-mill alarm on her own with the tools they’d smuggled in sewed into the lining of their duffle bags.
Using the shadows, trees, and bushes, she made her way very slowly to the house. She was taking a huge risk because she didn’t have any inside knowledge of the house or blueprints. It was a necessary risk, however. If Ari Templeton still lived, she may not have a lot of time.
Her eyes open and her senses completely alert, she approached the house and began looking for both a way inside and for any other security devices. Only one window on the second floor showed light or activity.
It was late, and she’d hoped Sante and anyone else in the house would be asleep. Once the Chosen adjusted to life under the dome, they started to sleep when it was dark and be awake when it was light. But apparently someone was still up.
She found an entrance point and wistfully touched the tools in her vest pocket that she wouldn’t need. There appeared to be no other electronic security system in place for the residence. Sante apparently thought the gate, guard, and perimeter alert were enough.
This would be no challenge, but at least she’d be able to get in and out without raising any suspicion or leaving any trace of her presence. That was the best-case scenario, to be a ghost. In, check for Ari, and out.
Slipping a basic lock-picking tool from her pocket, she quickly used it on the lock at the back of the house. Slowly, she eased the door open and entered the kitchen on feet as silent as a cat’s. Before she’d left the apartment, she’d washed her body thoroughly with a product designed to cleanse away all the scent. Daria hoped it had done the job. Otherwise Sante might be able to detect her in his home with his clever, ancient Chosen nose.
A dim light over the oven illuminated the large room. It was, of course, state-of-the-art. Nothing less would do for Christopher Sante.
A wine rack covered one entire wall, stacked high with bottles. Above the large cooking island in the center of the room hung fine crystal glasses and assorted cooking implements. Yes, Daria remembered well that Sante enjoyed his wine. They’d spent many cool evenings on the patio sipping glasses of fine red while watching the sun dip lower in the sky.
Shaking off the memory, she eased along the wall toward a door that was either a broom closet, bathroom, or entryway to the basement. Bingo, it was the basement.
She disappeared through it and made her way down into the dank-smelling lower level of the house. Every step she took into the darkness, she thanked her spanking-new preternatural vision.
One by one, slowly, silently, she explored every room. Having found only spiders and more dusty wine racks, she returned to the first floor and repeated her search. She found nothing that wasn’t completely domestic. Nothing of an illegal nature. No drugs, no sense chips, nothing having to do with the illegal trafficking of blood slaves, and certainly no Ari Templeton.
Having satisfied herself that she’d thoroughly investigated all she could, Daria made her way up the stairs to the second floor, keeping well to the wall to avoid any creaks or squeaks.
She tried to suppress her bitter disappointment. Her desire to nail Sante to the wall was strong . . . and very personal, but she needed to stay neutral and objective. If there wasn’t anything to implicate him in the house, there simply wasn’t.
Anyway, it was a big compound and they had yet to explore it all. Evidence—and Ari Templeton—could be anywhere. Maybe her instincts about Templeton being in the house were simply wrong.
She reached the top of the stairs and found herself in a long corridor. Soft light spilled from under a closed door and pooled on the hardwood floor.
The scent of Sante’s cologne lightly teased her nostrils, bringing a flood of memory to the fore that was so strong it bowed her knees for a moment. Images of the person she’d been before surged through her mind, from a time when she’d been younger and her heart lighter. She could still see Sante’s laughing face above her in their bed, his lips tenderly capturing hers. She could still hear sweet, soft words of endearment flowing from his mouth.
Steps sounded from within the lighted bedroom, approaching the closed door from the other side, and Daria practically dove into the darkened guest bathroom in front of her. Immediately her mind worked through places to hide in the large room, in case this was the walker’s destination. She opened a door, found a linen and toiletries closet and ducked within, leaving the door open just a crack so she could see out.
Sante walked down the corridor, past the bathroom, wearing only a pair of dark blue boxers. His body had changed little since she’d known him—he remained fit and well taken care of, a challenge to best in any hand-to-hand combat, with a strong chest and brawny arms. His hair was a bit longer these days, but other than that he appeared much the same.
Another whiff of his cologne sucker punched her in the stomach and made her remember how hard she’d fallen for him. Daria had really believed she’d loved Christopher Sante back then.
She’d believed he loved her back.
Sante disappeared down the stairs and returned a minute later with two wineglasses and an open bottle. When he reentered the bedroom, Daria heard the roll of soft, sultry feminine laughter. Her skin prickled with the feel of succubare. The woman very well could have been the one at the party the other day. Maybe she’d snagged Sante somehow as a snack.
She waited several moments, until things had quieted in the bedroom, before she exited the bathroom. Every nerve in her body demanded that she leave this place immediately and get as far from Sante as she could, but she knew it was just a personal reaction. Forcing it away, she finished her job and checked all the rooms on the second floor before giving in to her urge to flee.
Leaving the way she’d come in and relocking the door behind her, she snuck back through the yard, confident that she’d left no trace of her presence anywhere for Sante to find. She’d been successful.
Now, if only she’d found something.
Jumping up, she captured a tree branch and shimmied up the trunk to climb out on a limb high enough to avoid the perimeter laser detector and close enough for her to reach the top of the fence. Another few moments and she’d dropped onto the other side and melted into the shadows, bound for the room and her update, which was an annoying handful of nothing.
She stopped and turned in the darkness, staring at the house. Why, when she’d found no sign of any captive, did her gut still say Ari Templeton was there?
ALEJANDRO watched Daria disappear down the pathway toward the dorm, rubbing the back of her neck from a long day of stuffing teddy bears, pretty much the last thing either them of them thought they’d be doing here.
The entire week had been mostly just work and little progress on the investigation front. It was hard to get time away from the eyes of the other members of the Shining Way. The only way to explore was to do it after dark, and that was risky since it was hard to explain why they were walking around in the wee morning hours. No one seemed to be out then, though there was no curfew in place.
Daria had made it a personal goal to get into the packaging room at the teddy bear factory, but it was proving difficult. That raised red flags with all of them. What did they have to hide?
He felt Brandon come up to stand beside him. Together they watched Daria disappear into the apartment building.
Qué tal estás, tio? How are you, my friend? How goes the honey making?” Alejandro asked him without turning his head, his thoughts still centered on his pretty partner.
Brandon slipped a hand into his pocket. “It’s a laugh a bloody minute, but at least there are a lot of honeys around to make it worthwhile. No sense in letting all the pretty flowers go unattended. Why not have a little play on the side while you work?” He paused, then jerked his chin in the direction Daria had gone. “How goes your honey making?”
He growled his answer. “None of your fucking business, tio.”
Brandon snorted. “That well?”
“Yes. That well.”
“You know the women here look at you like you’re some kind of god, Alejandro. Pick some flowers with me. There are plenty of women to choose from if you’re in need.”
Maybe, but he only wanted one of them. Brandon wouldn’t understand that, so he simply didn’t answer.
“Come on, let’s go to the room,” said Brandon. “I have something to tell you.”
Once they got to the dorm, they found Daria just emerging from the bathroom in a puff of steam. Her long, lithe body was wrapped in a towel and her short blond hair stood up in damp tufts around her head. The scent of her freshly washed skin made his cock hard, but then a light breeze coupled with the thought of Daria made his cock hard these days.
She still fed from him every day, but she hadn’t allowed him to touch her the way he had before. That last night had changed something between them and Alejandro wanted desperately to know why.
Worse, since they needed to carry each other’s scent, she undressed to take blood from him. Every night they lay nearly naked together—skin touching, breath mingling. It was enough to keep suspicion from them; it was also just enough to drive him insane.
He masked his need for her, however. Daria didn’t have any idea just how badly she was teasing him. She’d made it clear from the beginning that she’d wanted to pursue this mission while not actually having sex, and he didn’t want to push her to do something she didn’t desire with her heart. That would cause a larger rift between them. That was not his goal.
He wanted more than just sex from Daria Moran. Much more.
Alejandro knew he had to be patient. Even though all he really wanted was to strip her naked and tease her mercilessly with his lips, tongue, and hands until she begged him to fuck her.
Daria said her greetings to Brandon then snagged a bottle of lotion and began applying it to her long, bare legs. Alejandro sat across from her and watched with avid interest as she moved, occasionally giving him flashes of her naked sex, unbeknownst to her.
Yes, Daria had surely been put in the universe just to make him crazy. That had to be it.
“On the other side of the compound, there’s some interesting things happening,” Brandon began.
Alejandro dragged his attention away from Daria, with effort, and focused on their partner.
“Guards coming and going on the road leading past the beekeeping field. They were there yesterday and again today. This afternoon”—he paused dramatically—“they marched a group of veil-addicted humans right past us.”
“A group?” Alejandro asked. Now Brandon had his full attention. “Where were they going?”
“It has been nearly impossible for me to slip the leash of the foreman over there, so I don’t know, but I think we should check it out.”
“Tonight,” said Daria. She’d paused, rapt and attentive to Brandon, lotion pooled in one hand.
“Not if it’s a full moon,” answered Alejandro. “They don’t have the moon phases here on any kind of a schedule, so we don’t know what it will be tonight. If it’s a full moon, we can’t go. Too much light, too great a risk we’ll be caught.”
She nodded. “Fine. You’re right. The first night there’s no full moon then.”
“There’s a party at the Alhambra Building tonight,” added Brandon. “We should definitely be making an appearance there. We need to mingle with the natives as much as possible.”
Daria nodded. “Jia Ying told me about it today. I was getting ready to go over there. Sounds like Sante might even make an appearance. It’s the event of the week and the whole commune is abuzz.” She finished with the lotion as she spoke. “Dress in dark colors. If there’s no full moon, we can head over toward the beekeeping fields from the party.”
Brandon nodded and headed out the door. “See you over there.”
Alejandro sat in the chair and glowered as Daria stood with her back to him and dropped her towel to dress. His gaze skated over her curves, centering on her lovely heart-shaped ass.
“Do you have to do that?” His voice sounded like gravel.
“Do what?” She pulled on a pair of white cotton panties, bending over just enough to give him a glimpse of sweetness. She cast an irritated glance at him. “Are you going to get dressed? I want to get over there.”
No, clearly she had no idea. He moved lightning fast and without conscious thought. Alejandro had her on her back with her thighs spread in a moment. She let out a surprised yelp and fought him, but he’d gotten the better of her. He easily pinned her deadly arms to the mattress, so she couldn’t hurt him.
“Eres lo mas lindo que he visto. Te deseo, querida.”
Daria struggled against him. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
“I said you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I want you, Daria,” he drawled, his accent thicker from his anger and arousal. “But if you are not going to fuck me, then do not tease me with your nude body.”
She blinked, looking surprised. “But you’ve seen me many times, Alejandro. You’ve touched me. I put my skin to yours every night when I take your blood. What does it matter that I drop my towel in front of you once in a while to change my clothes?”
“I want to touch you more than you allow me. Don’t you understand? Don’t you see how much I desire you?” He nudged the soft, vulnerable flesh between her thighs with his hard cock. “You are making me absolutely insane with sexual need. Every night I must endure your body against mine intimately, yet I can’t make love to you the way I want to. I cannot take any more additional teasing, Daria. Not one moment more.”
Her blue eyes were wide and her breath came in labored little gasps. “I’m sorry, Alejandro. I didn’t know.”
The scent of her arousal teased his nose, made every muscle in his body tense. The press of her bare breasts against his chest didn’t help either.
“I know you want me. I do not know why you fight me, but, you, Daria, are an excellent fighter. You have a will like I have never seen in all my life. You are winning this fight.” With effort he released her arms and rolled off the bed. “You are winning this stupid fight between us, but we are both losing the war.”
With that said, he turned and left the room to head over to the party.
YOU ARE WINNING this stupid fight between us, but we are both losing the war.
The words rang through her mind as Daria watched Alejandro from across the room, a death grip on her drink. The fight was obviously over sex, but what was the war?
Around her tittered Jia Ying and some of her friends. Jia Ying had taken Daria under her wing and introduced her to many people at the Shining Way. The older Chosen was friendly and good-natured, and everyone seemed to like her.
Daria had never been good at having friendships with women, especially not since Julia had died. She was used to dealing with men in her line of work and related to them better than she did to women, but she would do her best to fit in here. Valerie would be good at female friendships.
On the surface the Shining Way was a lot like an exclusive resort for the Chosen. It was an idealistic place in the minds of most and the people around her now had no idea anything illegal was going on here, of that Daria was sure. Sante obviously didn’t broadcast his darker operations at large.
“Look at that one,” said Marissa, a young, attractive succubare, pointing in Alejandro’s direction. “I never noticed him before. I think I need to go and introduce myself.”
Jia Ying laughed and caught Marissa’s arm before she could get far. “His name is Alejandro and he’s spoken for, so if you don’t want Valerie to tear you from limb to limb, stay here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, but you must be used to it by now,” answered Marissa with an apologetic smile. “How do you keep the women off him? He’s gorgeous. Or maybe you two have an open relationship,” she finished hopefully.
A flicker of unwelcome jealousy ran through her. The thought flashed—Alejandro is mine. No one else is allowed to covet him. But, of course, he wasn’t hers. Not only that, she didn’t want him to be hers. That was only some stupid, irrational feeling born from their current close work relationship.
Jia Ying hit her friend’s shoulder. “Dumb question. You can smell Valerie on Alejandro, and Alejandro on Valerie. It’s very obvious they’re mated and they’re only with each other. No other scents. Back off, Marissa.”
Just then the far doors opened and a group of Chosen entered. A hush fell over the crowd, followed by an excited murmur that flowed like a wave to where Daria stood.
Christopher Sante had arrived.