Chapter 21
As I entered the mansion, I felt conspicuous. For one thing, there was no crowd this time. I was standing all alone in the foyer, with Butler-Vamp. A few people came and went—some of them vampires, some bloodwhores and servants—but for the most part, the house seemed empty.
“Follow me,” my guide said. I picked up the bags and obeyed.
We reached a door I’d never been through before, and as I entered the room, my wolf trembled and whimpered. I whispered comforting words to calm it and, heart pounding, turned to face Geoffrey.
He was sitting there, alone, and he looked hungry. I dropped the bags by my feet and glanced over my shoulder as the door behind me shut, and I heard the sound of a lock turning.
“Geoffrey . . . what did you want to see me about?” I wasn’t sure how to broach the picture—or anything, to be honest. It was unnerving to be in a room alone with the Regent, especially after what I’d seen and heard at the Owl People’s circle the night before.
He slowly stood, then languorously wandered over to my side. Without a word, he circled me, then came to a stop right in front of me. “Cicely, do you know where Leo is?”
I sucked in a deep breath. “Yes, he’s home very sick. He fainted this morning from a fever. I . . . I did his errands for him since I knew I would be seeing you tonight.” I pushed the bags forward with the toe of my shoe.
He glanced down at them. “Domestic, aren’t we? Playing fetch so Leo does not get into trouble? Or for another reason?”
Shivering, I hesitantly reached down and picked up the bag with the picture. I slowly held it out to him. “What’s this?” My voice barely above a whisper, I was shaking so hard I could barely form the words. “Were you and Myst . . .”
“Ah, so you’ve seen it. I did not mean for you to. There are reasons that we hire day-runners. Leo should have called his contact this morning and asked for a stand-in. I shall have to have a chat with him about that.”
“Please, no—he was delirious.”
“Sometimes the magic-born remind me of humans. Weak . . . but necessary. So, you have seen my secret and you now wonder. Were Myst and I in love? No. Were we star-crossed? No. Were we lovers? Yes.” He took the picture and cast the bag aside. “She was so beautiful. She looks a lot like you, you know.” His jet-black eyes fixated on me and his nostrils flared.
I took a step back. “What . . . why . . . you tried to turn her but it wasn’t the way it said in the history books, was it? You were partners . . . she wanted it.”
“We could have become a force that no land could withstand. We planned to rule the world together. If things had gone right, we could have conquered innumerable lands. But the turning changed her. She became . . . what she is. She was no longer willing to share power. She became more dangerous than I ever dreamed she would.” He glanced up, a dark look on his face. “She betrayed me, and I tried to destroy her.”
“And that is why the war . . . the other vampires think it’s about her anger at being turned, but she’s really out for your head. To grind you into the dust.”
“As she is you. We’re in the same boat, my dear. You were her daughter and betrayed her. I was her lover and gave her the keys to the kingdom. And now, she needs no one . . .” He stopped. “Which is where my plans for you come in. Cicely, before I bring your tortured love in for you—and yes, we have him back—I offer you a chance that you will never have with anyone else.”
Something about his look, his voice, frightened me more than anything he’d done or said before. “What is it?” I stumbled back as he stepped toward me.
“Cicely, take Myst’s place. Fulfill her original plans. Let me turn you, and become my partner. You will be part Indigo Court, but more. You are half magic-born, and that will help you to control the ravaging nature. If you embrace the power, together we can destroy Myst, and together we can take this land by storm. I know you are not cut out for ruthless rule, but you don’t have to be that way—you can rule with a just hand. And you can still have your Fae Prince for a lover. I would not object.”
I stared at him. The light in his eyes told me the warlord was still lurking beneath the surface, that you could take the warmonger out of the Dark Ages but you couldn’t take the Dark Ages out of the warmonger.
“I can’t believe you just asked me to do that.”
“You were Myst’s daughter. To see you go up against her, a queen in your own right, would be a blow hard for her to ignore. It would unsettle her and she’d make mistakes.”
“You want to use me for psychological warfare, you want to turn me into what she is, only you hope to control me because I’m only half-Fae. What would Lainule say if she knew?” I stumbled back toward the door, half-afraid he was going to grab me and drink me down.
But at that moment, Lainule and Anadey appeared from behind a screen in the back of the room. Lainule looked pained. Anadey looked sullen.
“I told you not to approach her until we were here and could explain matters to her.” Lainule shook her head. “You’d better hurry. Regina was just down the hall and may come in here. You don’t want her finding out what you’re up to before we’ve had time to prepare.”
I stared at Lainule, as it dawned on me that she’d known all along what Geoffrey was up to. But had she also been behind Anadey’s little stunt?
“Lainule, you know what Geoffrey asks? You can’t approve! I’m Cambyra Fae—I am not Unseelie! How can you even dream I’d agree to this? And where’s Grieve? Were you the one who tried to force Anadey to strip away my feelings for him?”
“Your lover is with us, young daughter. Do not push your luck. You may not be Unseelie in your own heart, but many of the Uwilahsidhe are on the darker side of the Court. I am the Queen of Rivers and Rushes, and I am the heart of Summer’s realm, but not all of my people are bright and beautiful of spirit. The world is made of shades of gray, young Cambyra.”
“Did you know what Geoffrey wanted of me? Did you help Anadey?”
Lainule looked pained. She shook her head. “No, I did not help her. It would have killed you, and she will be taken to task for her actions.”
Anadey shifted, looking at me through shaded lids.
Lainule ignored her. “As for Geoffrey, yes, long ago he convinced me of the wisdom of his plan. You can still have your lover, Grieve, and do as Geoffrey asks.”
Her gaze was cool, and I remembered how ruthless she could be. She would sacrifice anyone in her court to destroy Myst—and that included Grieve. And it included me. If she thought this alliance with the vampires would work best, then she’d back it all the way.
“Do I have a choice?” I asked, my voice flat. If they decided they wanted Geoffrey to turn me, I wasn’t likely to get out of here alive.
But she surprised me. “Yes, you do. But think long and hard before you decide whose side you wish to stand on.”
Geoffrey let out a hiss, but Lainule shushed him. “I told you—I will agree to this only as long as it is voluntary. But if the child refuses, I turn my back on her. Cicely, you have the chance to sacrifice yourself to rid the world of Myst. If you choose your life over this . . . we have little to say.”
“This is why you insisted Wrath impregnate my mother. You foresaw this coming. All along, you planned this with Geoffrey.” I stared at her, certain I was right. And she gazed back at me, unmoved, unmoving.
“Some wars are fought in minutes, others are in the planning for generations. We knew Myst would resurface. We knew that you would return to be with Grieve. What better way to defeat Myst than to create a force who could equal her power and yet retain control over her desires? You are the perfect choice. You were her daughter—and you have her soul-mark in your own soul. Yet you do not seek the power she craves. Your potential is vast and untapped.”
At that moment, Wrath strode into the room, slamming the door open against the wall. “Stop! You will not do this—you will not force her to make this move.” Grieve and Lannan were behind him. Grieve looked ragged and worn, but alive. Lannan looked dark, hostile, and angry.
I let out a little cry and ran over toward my father, wanting to go to Grieve but sensing now was not the best time. “They want me to let Geoffrey turn me—to set me up against Myst by his side.”
“You are one of the Uwilahsidhe. The Owl People abjure the Queen of Spiders. You will not let them do this to you. I will not allow it.” Wrath turned an angry face on Lainule. “My beloved, what can you be thinking? This is madness. You listen to the bloodsuckers too readily.”
“This is why I did not tell you the plan—you are too softhearted, my husband. We will not force her, but if she turns aside, then she is no use to us. We must defeat the Winter. Cicely and Geoffrey can do so, together. Cicely is only now coming into her powers. Think of what she could do if she combined her magic, her strength as one of the Uwilahsidhe, and the power of the vampires.” Lainule reached toward Wrath, but he shook off her touch.
“That was attempted once and look at what it engendered—Myst, herself. No, this will not happen. And perhaps, if we have to go to this length, then Summer is not meant to stand against Winter. There are other ways, other avenues to defeating an enemy.” He stared at Lainule for a long time. “My love, you are courting danger. You risk becoming as dark as the Mistress of Mayhem. I fear for you.”
“She stole my kingdom. She killed my people. Your people. You are Uwilahsidhe. You court the path of the Unseelie all too often, and you would dare to lecture me? Be gone—King of mine. Out of my sight. I cannot bear to look upon you.” Lainule turned her back on Wrath, who looked as though she had struck him.
He turned away, then to Lannan. “You were correct. I had no clue this is what they planned.”
Geoffrey slowly swung toward Lannan, who glanced in my direction, then stood definitely, facing them. “Lannan . . . you told Wrath our plans? I thought we agreed there was no need.” He raised one hand. “You haven’t, by chance, been speaking to your sister, have you?”
Lannan snorted. “I care nothing for the Crimson Queen nor her court . . . but my sister cares about her position. I’m sure she would love to hear your plans to usurp the Crimson Queen’s position.”
“You’d damned well better keep your mouth shut. If you don’t, I will remove your head. I’ve warned you before. Your stable, everything you own is in danger. You know I won’t hesitate to destroy you and your sister in the process. Keep quiet, both of you live. Speak, and both of you die. Again and this time, for good.” He turned to me. “I know how you feel about Lannan. Would you now align yourself with him, hating him as much as you do?”
I stepped back, looking at all of them. “I choose for myself—and as much as I hate what Lannan has done to me, at least he is honest about what he wants. He sees reason. I will not allow you to turn me. Not for all the summer nights in the world.”
“Then leave and be damned. Take your lover with you, and Lannan, as well. Altos, you are outcast—pariah in my lands. I strip you of your job and your place in our society. I’m going to tell Regina you’ve gone on a trip for me. Keep quiet, and she will live.”
Lannan wandered over to stand beside Wrath, Grieve, and me. He gave Grieve a contemptuous look. “I have made my choice. Myst can only be stopped by an alliance of forces, not by the rise of a long-forgotten warlord. Geoffrey, you only seek to use Cicely for your own ends. You would never share your power with her once the dust settled. You would destroy her, as you plan to destroy Myst. The world is large; I happen to believe that the Fae and the vampires can coexist, but I don’t believe for an instant that you agree. But know this: If you touch one golden hair of my sister’s head, I will raise an army and obliterate you and your world.”
“We seem to be at a standstill. I will not harm your sister if you keep quiet, and you stay away in return for her continued well-being.”
I turned toward Lannan, wondering. Could he really believe what Geoffrey said? As much as I wanted to stake him, Lannan was taking my side. I sidled over to Grieve and quietly took his hand. I wanted to kiss him, to hold him and ask how he was, but we both knew better. This was not the time for a reunion.
“Lannan, leave my house. Cicely, you, too. I wish you luck in keeping alive without our protection. Tell Leo he must choose—either work with me, or align himself to you and your cousin, but he cannot do both. If he does not report for work tomorrow, tomorrow night he will be taken off the rolls. Just pray you do not meet me on the opposite side of the battleground. Lainule, attend me.”
Geoffrey turned away and stormed out the door.
Lannan let out a sigh. “Geoffrey has always been—and will always be—a warlord. He misses the battle, he misses the conquest. He may be Regent, but once the Crimson Queen understands how deep his ambitions lie, I can only hope she’s not too late in putting a stop to them. Because the day he can, he will topple her from the throne and take control. And my sister will be next in line to die.”
At the door, Lainule turned back to us, her gaze fastened on Wrath. “Be cautious—you have no allies. Return to the fold; accept that only through solidarity can we defeat the Winter.”
“Not at the sacrifice of my daughter,” Wrath said.
“Then prepare to meet your doom—but never at my hands.” She motioned to Anadey and they slowly followed Geoffrey out of the room.
I turned to Wrath, Lannan, and Grieve. “What the fuck are we supposed to do now? I couldn’t do it . . . I couldn’t let Geoffrey turn me.”
Wrath shook his head. “I have been the King of Summer for eons, but my Lady doesn’t always tell me her plans. And she is terrified—her heartstone still lies within the boundaries of the Golden Wood. If Myst finds it . . .”
“She’ll destroy Lainule.” And there it was—the fear within Lainule was born of self-preservation.
“What if we get it back?” Grieve turned to me. “Cicely, my love . . . I am cured of the light-rage, but I am still part of Myst’s people. I will do my best to control my impulses. And if I can’t . . .”
“Then we will have to destroy you,” Lannan said. “I must figure out a way to warn my sister so she can get out before Geoffrey does something to her, but we can’t tarry here. Geoffrey will return and he will kill us if we’re still around. Of that much, I guarantee.”
Grieve slowly turned. “You. You’re the one I smelled on her—you filthy bloodsucker! What have you been doing to my Cicely?” He shoved Lannan back and took a step toward him.
Lannan laughed. “Not as much as I want to.” He made an obscene gesture with his hands.
“Stop it, both of you.” Wrath lashed out and within seconds had separated both men. “We cannot afford to be divided. Leave it for now. We’ll sort everything out once we’re away from here. Come, let us leave.”
“What about Lainule?” I glanced at the door. “Are you just going to leave her?”
“I’m afraid we don’t have much of a choice. We’re running on borrowed time, whether it be from Geoffrey or from Myst.” Wrath led us out. The butler gazed at us, unreadable, but he did nothing to prevent us from leaving.
“I didn’t bring my car,” I said, pausing. “I came in Geoffrey’s limo.”
“I’ve got my BMW here.” Lannan motioned us toward it. He flipped open his phone, trying to contact Regina, but after a moment, hung up. “She’s not answering. I don’t like this.”
Grieve hung back. “I won’t get in the car with him. Cicely, how can you?”
In tears, frustrated and confused, I swung on him. “You’ll get in the fucking car. Do you know how much we risked for you? And now we’re on our own. We no longer have the backing of the vampires, and trust me, to defeat Myst, we need as many allies as we can gather. So shut up—both you and Lannan—and just get in the damned thing. Lannan—we’ll keep calling Regina, trying to warn her.”
Lannan rolled his eyes but said nothing. Grieve stared at me, his lips full, and I wanted again to rush into his arms, to feel his heart beating against mine. After a moment, he inclined his head.
“Very well. I will obey.”
“The machine will be painful, but I can withstand it for a short time,” Wrath said. “We have a long night ahead of us.”
But before I could climb into the car, my cell phone rang. Exasperated, I flipped it open. “Hello?”
“Cicely, can you get home, now? And bring help.” Rhia sounded frantic.
“What’s wrong?”
“The Shadow Hunters have broken through the wards and they’re on the way toward the house. We can’t fight them alone.”
Crap! “We’re on our way. I’m bringing Wrath, Grieve, and Lannan with me. Get whatever weapons you can together.”
“Yes, Lannan. We’ll tell you all about it when we have the time. Now just get off the phone and be fucking careful.”
I took off for Lannan’s car. “Myst broke through the wards. They’re in danger.” The squabbling stopped as they followed me. I shoved Lannan away from the wheel and took over. “I drive faster than you.”
“I doubt it,” he said, but he let me get behind the wheel.
We sped through the dark streets as I counted off the minutes. As we rounded the corner onto Vyne Street, I closed my eyes.
Ulean, are you there? Can you hear me?
I am here—the Shadow Hunters are circling the house, coming closer. They seem cautious, as if they expect a trap.
Is everyone still okay?
Yes, so far. But there are seven of the Indigo Court out there—and the energy on the slipstream is roiling with anger. Myst is awake and hunting for Grieve.
And I was bringing him right to her. I thought about how we’d make it into the house—all my weapons were there. “We have to fly in. Grieve, you and Lannan will have to make a run for the door, but Wrath and I can shift and fly in the upper windows.” I tossed Lannan my phone. “Call them and tell them to be ready at the front door and my bedroom window.”
Lannan put in the call and, whatever he said, it was brief and to the point. I wasn’t paying attention. I was focused on the battle ahead. I had my fan, of course, and my switchblade, but that alone wasn’t going to be enough.
“Iron stakes. We need them—they’ll work on the Shadow Hunters.”
Wrath peered over the backseat. “The gate. There’s a gate made of iron in front of the house next door. But neither Grieve nor I can touch the stakes. You can, since you are only half-Fae—you don’t seem bothered by the iron. Even this car hurts me, but I bear it because of necessity.”
“I can get them.” I said. “And Lannan can.”
Lannan leaned forward. It was disconcerting to have him at my shoulder but not to be able to see him in the rearview mirror. “Are you willing to put your life in my hands? I can rip the stakes out of the gate. You fly in with your father. The Prince will have to make a run for it on his own.”
I bit my lip. “Are you sure you can make it without getting caught?”
“If you cause a distraction, yes. Once you’re inside, do something to draw their attention to the back of the house.”
I sucked in a deep breath. “Okay. That’s how it is. Grieve, when you hit the ground, don’t stop running. Meanwhile . . .” I cringed. “I’m going to have to take off my clothes before we get there if I expect to be able to transform into owl shape. Lannan, I guess you’d better take the wheel.” I abruptly pulled to a halt and we played musical seats, with me running to the back of the car and Lannan leaping into the driver’s seat.
I began to yank off my clothes and had the distinct feeling Lannan was watching me through the rearview mirror, though there was no way I could prove it, since I couldn’t see him other than the back of his head. I slid beneath a throw in the back of the car and pulled it around my shoulders as we drove off again.
Grieve simmered, but he simmered at me, his eyes drinking their fill as I disrobed. Hard as it was, I forced myself to hold back, to keep from tumbling into his arms. But I did kiss my fingers and press them against his lips.
“You make me want to—” Lannan started, but my father interrupted him.
“Be cautious, vampire. That’s my daughter you’re talking to,” Wrath said, his voice thick with warning. “You will behave like a gentleman.”
“You may be the King of Summer, but Cicely owes me more than you want to know and I intend to collect. And chill out, Wolf Boy, because I know she only has eyes for you.” Lannan’s words took on an edge as he added, “She’s made that all too apparent.”
I pulled back, not wanting to start any more arguments. Grieve gave me a curt nod, but his eyes promised me that once we were finished, if we managed to come through this alive, he’d prove to me just how much he missed me.
Ulean, we’re near. Did you hear our plans?
I did—your thoughts were clear.
Can you start a distraction in the backyard?
I can, but if you can get to your fan, we can wreak much more havoc together. You have yet to use the most powerful force that it can summon.
I’ve created a tornado before—and gale-force winds; what more can there be?
Hurricane force. Typhoon. But beware, Cicely—it can devastate an area.
We may have no choice. I’ll meet you in my bedroom.
And then we turned on to Vyne Street. As we raced along the silent asphalt, I shivered, more out of fear than cold. Before we arrived, I leaned over and pressed my lips against Grieve’s. He gathered me close and I ached, wanting him to reach out and touch my breasts, to slide his hands along my body. But, mindful of my father’s presence, he simply pulled me close, and I found myself falling deep, sucking under, into the spiral of love and lust that permeated our connection.
And then we were there, and the car screeched to a halt. We slammed out of the doors, Wrath and I transforming into our owl selves and winging into the sky. Last I saw, Grieve was racing for the house as Lannan began yanking iron stakes off the neighbor’s gate. And then, as I neared my bedroom window, I could see them out back—the Shadow Hunters, gauging the house.
It was official. We were at war.