Thursday, October 8th
11:29 P.M.

Sleep was nawt an option. It required relaxation, mental clarity, and steady breathing. None of which Kristen had.

“Ugh!” She kicked the covers in frustration.

“Re-owww.” Beckham leapt to the shag carpet and zipped under the bed.

Great. Now the cat was mad at her too.

Typically Kristen was an alpha problem solver. But tonight, she couldn’t decide which problem to solve first, let alone how to solve it. Prioritizing was impossible. Each dilemma was crucial and needed immediate fixing.

There was:

1) Get Dune to forgive her for lying about the necklace.

2) Get Massie to forgive her for lying about Layne.

3) Get Layne to forgive her for denying their friendship.

4) Get Massie to forgive her for not honoring the pledge. (“PC support day or night!”)

5) Get Layne to forgive her for not honoring her promise (to help her get Dempsey).

6) Get Alicia to forgive her for ignoring her all night. (Eleven missed calls!)

7) Get Beckham to forgive her for keeping him up past his bedtime.

She considered all seven. Even if she knew which one to tackle first it wouldn’t matter. Everyone was fast asleep. E-mailing apology appetizers was the only option.


Sorry I lied about the necklace. Didn’t want u 2 know I lost it. Didn’t know Layne found it. Please forgive me.



Kristen kissed the computer screen for luck and hit send.


Sorry I lied about being friends with Layne. I know u don’t like her and I didn’t want u to be mad. Which is funny (not in a ha-ha way in an ironic way) cuz now u r. Also sorry I didn’t help you get Dempsey or honor our pledge. I will start doing both tomorrow. Please forgive me.



Kristen kissed the screen twice for extra luck and hit send.


Sorry I didn’t Defend you in front of Massie. U know how she can be. Also sorry I didn’t work harder to help u get Dempsey. I was trapped in the middle. We made a promise and I will honor it tomorrow. Please forgive me.



Kristen kissed the screen one last time and hit send. She had done everything she could right now. The only person left to contact was Dempsey and ask him, straight up, who he liked. But that would have to wait until morning.

Of all the conversations, his would have made the most sense to have via e-mail or text. After all, asking a boy to choose between your best friends can be awkward. But for some reason Kristen wanted to see him when she asked.

Or maybe she just wanted to see him.