“I’d like to question them,” Doc said. “If “Probably several times,” Savage told you need a charge, one of them committed me. “You see, we probably know less than an assault on my aide, Monk Mayfair.”

you about the affair.”

“And lived through it!” The cop “In that case,” I said, “you’re probably sounded surprised. “Very well, Mr. Savage.

without any information at all.”

You can expect the fullest coöperation.”


I said: “I didn’t know a cop could be that polite to a citizen.”

THE way they let me recite my tale Savage took another look at the sky to again—without a single interruption—wasn’t learn whether the odd light was still up there.

too reassuring. I would have liked them to It wasn’t.

indicate whether they did or didn’t believe I said: “That was a nice description. I me. All that came out of them was attentive could almost feel the two Macs kicking me in silence.

the slats again.”

“If you’re a liar,” Monk said when I fin-

“You say they were going to take you ished, “you’re pretty fluent.”

out of the hotel with them?” Savage asked.

Savage said: “His story has the ring of “That was the idea they expressed. By truth, Monk. And it’s logical except on one the way, why didn’t they?”

point—his reasons for going to the hotel to “They made quite a bit of noise working see Miss Fenisong after she phoned him by on you, enough to get my attention. They mistake, and then going to the trouble he did saw me and ran. Unfortunately, they had an to be present at the banquet.”

escape route all planned, with doors they “Shucks, that’s the only part I be-could lock behind them. They got away.”

lieved,” Monk said.

I said: “That’s the way I figured.”

“You think his actions were reasonable, Monk Mayfair showed some life. “What then?”

about gorgeous?” he wanted to know. “Miss “You saw the babe, didn’t you?”

Fenisong, if that was her name? What be-

“Well . . .”

came of her?” He sat up straight, adjusted “Take it from me, Miss Fenisong was his necktie, and added, “You know, I think we the bait that got him into it,” Monk said. “That should question that babe.”

part I believe.” He shoved his face at me and “I saw her first,” I said.

added, “But you’d better get over the yen, Monk gave me a look that would have bum.”

cracked a rock. “Yeah?” he said. “Well, “I don’t think I can lick you,” I told him.

maybe I’ll hand you something else to think “But you call me a bum again, and I’ll test it about.”


“Easy on that,” Doc Savage told him.

“Aren’t you a bum?”

“Sammy has been rather coöperative so far.”

“Only to my friends.”

“Who’s Sammy?”

He grinned, and I was glad he did. I “Me,” I said. “What did become of the was going to hit him, and he would have ru-girl?”

ined me.

Doc Savage said: “I have an associate I asked: “How come you fellows took following her.”

hold of the thing the way you did, if you didn’t “By God, have you got that shyster know something was coming off? It looked to lawyer trailing her!” Monk yelled. “Having me like you were cocked and primed.”

Ham Brooks shadow that girl is about as “How do you mean?” Monk asked.

practical as posting a hound dog to watch a “Well, you followed Gross when he left.


This Ham Brooks, whoever he is, is tailing I gathered that Monk Mayfair and Ham the girl. And Doc Savage didn’t exactly sleep Brooks had opinions about each other, and through it. All of that seems to require ad-Doc Savage was accustomed to it.

vance arrangements to me. How come?”

“Sammy,” Doc Savage said. “Tell Monk Monk shrugged. “We’ve developed a how you got into it. And if you think of any-technique.”

thing you forgot to tell me, toss it in.”


“You mean I gotta go through that “When you’ve been in trouble as many again?”

times as we have,” he explained, “you just NO LIGHT TO DIE BY