Chapter 37


The feeling of being watched grew as they walked. Hurrying now, Michaela hoped like hell they were going in the right direction because she had no idea. She just followed Caro who looked like someone who knew where they were going.

‘We’re being followed,’ Trisha said.

Michaela wiped cold sweat from her face. Please God, she thought, let it not be a bear.

‘It’s not a bear,’ said Trisha. Reading her thoughts.

‘What is it?’

‘I don’t know.’

They reached the fence and tumbled over it, rushing for the car. Trisha unlocked it and the three of them fell inside with sighs of relief.

‘That was freaky,’ Caro decided. ‘What was following us, Trisha?’

Trisha shrugged and slotted the key in the ignition.

‘Dog or something,’ she said. ‘Didn’t get a look at it. Was just damned spooky.’ She started the car and turned around on the narrow road and headed the car back towards the small town up the road. Michaela twisted around in her seat towards where they’d come out of the woods. Something stepped out onto the side of the road and she gasped.

‘Holy fuck can you see that? Trisha, in the rear vision mirror!’

‘What? What is it?’

The indistinct figure turned back into the woods and disappeared from sight. Michaela turned back around.

‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘It was like some sort of dog.’ She paused and Trisha looked at her, eyebrows raised.

‘It was on two legs,’ Michaela said at last.


Michaela shivered and looked down at her hands. ‘I think I need a nap,’ she said. ‘I could have sworn it was standing on two legs.’

Trisha was shaking her head. ‘Not possible, babe. Did you see it, Caro?’

‘I don’t know what I saw. Something. A dog maybe, or a skinny bear. It was gone so quickly, I really didn’t get a look.’

Michaela leaned back against the seat. Fatigue swept through her as her heart finally slowed. Boy oh boy she’d had enough drama to last a lifetime now, she reckoned. Whatever it was she’d just seen, she was sure glad it had been once they were in the car.

‘What are we going to do now, babycakes?’

Michaela gave Trisha a wan smile and wished she could just lie down with her head in her girlfriend’s lap and drift off to sleep.

‘I need a decent sleep,’ she said.

‘I don’t think we’re going to get that at home,’ said Trisha.

Michaela sighed. ‘You’re right. But if I don’t get some proper sleep, I’m not going to be able to think straight.’ She rubbed at her eyes.

‘Perhaps we could stay somewhere else,’ Caro said from the back seat. ‘Who knows, maybe the shadow men wouldn’t follow us if we were somewhere else for the night.’

Trisha shrugged. ‘You want to try it?’ she asked. ‘Worth a go, surely? Then we can plan the next step and take it from there.’

Michaela nodded. ‘Okay. Let’s find somewhere else to stay then, just for a night.’ She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. The motion of the car lulled her into a doze. She thought about the weird creature she’d seen when she looked back at the woods. It had been so strange; she’d never seen anything like it in her life. If only she’d still had the camera on. This reminded her, she still hadn’t listened to the recording made last night in Caro’s bedroom. In fact she’d barely glanced at the recorder. Another thing to do.

The list was getting too long. She needed some sleep. In a bed. All night. With Trisha tucked up beside her. Perfect. She drifted off deeper, face creased in a frown.

When she woke, Trisha was pulling to a stop in front of a hotel.

‘Where are we?’ she asked.

‘Back in Kenosha, sleepyhead. Come on, I’m starving. Let’s get a room and see if we can find something to eat.’

Michaela got out of the car and stretched. It looked nice here. She smiled as she looked around.

‘This looks like a very nice place,’ she said to Trisha.

Trisha grinned. ‘It is thanks, babe. May I suggest you get your credit card out and ready?’ She came round the car and kissed Michaela, a quick but warm pressing of lips.

‘Wait until we get a room, you guys,’ Caro complained.

Trisha laughed and cuffed her sister around the ears.

‘Hush up or no dinner for you.’ She leaned in the car and picked up the video camera and Michaela’s computer. ‘Let’s go make ourselves comfortable, shall we?’

They ended up not with just a room and bed, but a complete suite. Michaela followed a gleeful pair of sisters up in the elevator and along the hallway to their rooms. Caro and Trisha whooped and danced in between the furniture.

‘Look!’ squealed Caro, ‘A fruit basket! Holy shit how much did this room cost?’

Michaela looked around. ‘Not room, sweetheart,’ she said. ‘Suite. Jesus Trisha, you don’t think you might have gone just a little bit overboard, do you?’

Trisha grinned and dragged Michaela into the room and flung her arms around her, kissing her deeply.

‘We deserve it,’ she said.

Michaela looked at Trisha and couldn’t help but smile. Hell, maybe they did deserve something of a treat. It had been a pretty stressful few days. A bit of luxury wouldn’t go amiss. She tugged on Trisha’s hair and kissed her.

‘Are we going down to the restaurant, or do we order room service?’ She looked from Trisha to Caro.

Caro giggled. ‘We’re not exactly dressed for a place this fancy.’

‘Room service it is, then. Why don’t you guys order? I’m going to have a shower.’ She looked around again. ‘Bet this place has a great shower.’