Val Marrick

Roped and raped family


"No! No! Auuugggh!" the lovely blonde teenager cried as the stranger thrust his cock up her ass.

A heavy rope cut at Betsy Mason's wrists as she struggled desperately to get free. The fragrant carpet of pine needles beneath her dug into her ass like a bed of nails. She kicked with long bare legs, but the bearded man between her thighs just grinned.

The head of his big prick was socketed into the blonde girl's butthole. She felt his heartbeat throbbing in his cock. The unnatural stretching of her shithole made her ass pulse with pain.

"Owwwwwww! Get it out!" She tossed her head wildly from side to side. Her boobs, surprisingly full and ripe for such a young girl's rose and fell heavily inside her checkered flannel shirt. She pulled with her arms. The knot held, and all she accomplished was to scrape some skin off the backs of her hands on the rough bark of the Ponderosa pine to which she was tied.

The bearded man threw back his head and sighed. The girl's ass was gyrating madly around his prick. The sensations that flowed from his trapped cockhead were incredible.

His partner leaned against a nearby tree. The front of his jeans was tented by the bulge of his cock. "Don't hog her, Jake," he said. "Fun's fun. I want a turn, too."

Jake looked up at him. Sweat stood out on his forehead, in spite of the coolness of the spring day. "Don't bitch, Bob. You've got one of your own." He jerked his head at another tree.

A beautiful brown-haired girl stood bound to it by the arms. Her shirt, plaid flannel like the blonde's, had been torn open. Her big tits hung free, bobbling slightly as the girl breathed hard. Her right tit showed the pink imprint of a palm, a blazing contrast to the succulent pale flesh of her jug.

She glared from one man to the other. "Leave Betsy alone, damn you," she said in a low, dangerous voice. "You can do anything you want to me, but if you hurt my baby sister, I'll…"

The black-bearded Jake laughed as her words trailed off. "You'll do what, bitch?" He shook his head. "Naw, I've never butt fucked stuff this young before. Besides, she ripped my cheek up pretty good. How's your tit feeling, sweetheart? Paid you back pretty well for that one, huh."