The willing Usherette
The sign on his desk read "Newton Simpson, Manager". Betsy Morrison's dark brown eyes left the sign and went back to the handsome man behind the desk. The dark, slender twelve-year-old felt a trembling tension in her tummy. This was the first time she'd ever tried to apply for a real job, no wonder she was excited.
Newton Simpson looked up from the application that Betsy had just filled out. He was handsome, a little plump, and too well fed. But his black hair was full and neatly combed and he wore a loud but expensive sports coat. In short, he looked just like what he was, a successful manager of a large motion picture theater.
"It says here that you're sixteen, is that right, Betsy?" The little girl tried to smile and look casual under the man's knowing stare.
"Yes… sixteen," Betsy lied.
Mr. Simpson nodded and raised one eyebrow.
Betsy could see that he knew she wasn't telling the truth but the twinkle in his eye told her that he wasn't going to press the issue.
"You understand that your work here would keep you out late? Does your family know that you wouldn't be getting home until after midnight?"
A flicker of a frown crossed the pretty little girl's face before she nodded. "There's just my mother and she says that it will be all right, at least during the summer," Betsy said in a low voice. The pretty girl thought of her mother. Poor Julia, it was terrible for her, widowed only a few months and finding that the money from Daddy's insurance didn't stretch as far as she thought that it would. They needed the money and her mother would just have to get used to the idea of her getting home at midnight.
"All right," Newton Simpson murmured as he pretended to study her application, but Betsy knew that he was really looking up her long, hairless legs and under her short skirt. The pretty brunette felt a warning ripple run along her spine when she realized what the man was doing and she wished she'd worn the longer skirt than she had.