
Kidnapped teen

Kidnapped Teen


I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Johnny was bad enough… but… Hank, and Bill, and T-Bird… all four of them… corning closer and closer.

I cried out… I begged them to reconsider what they were doing.

But it did no good.

They kept coming closer, stopping only to tip the bottle of cheap tequila up to their mouths.

And then, their hands were on me…

How many times have we heard of one media report or another telling us that sexual activity starts younger in our children these days.

Our mothers wondered what shoes to wear with what dress when they prepared themselves for a date. Our daughters are faced with a similar question, whether to wear the leather panties, the crotchless or the edibles.

Ah love… ah life. Most of the experts (if anyone really has faith in THAT designation anymore) agree that this trend is a healthy one. It's a meaner world that faces our children than the one our parents knew. It should, therefore, be prepared for earlier, and the rituals of love and sex should naturally be an integral part of that preparation.