Young cherry cheerleader


Jennifer Wilson walked home from school that day. The young freshman enjoyed the crisp September afternoon as she strolled down the sidewalk on the half-mile trip home.

It was Friday, and her friend, Heather Bradley, had invited her on Thursday to come home with her on Friday. The two girls were planning to change into their J.V. cheerleading uniforms at Heather's home, have dinner at a local burger joint and then go to watch the first varsity football game of the year.

But Heather had apparently come down with the flu and didn't come to school that day. So, Jenny had to change her plans and go home until the game.

The house would be empty when she got home, she knew. Her mom wouldn't be home from her job until after 6 P.M.. Since her dad had left them six years before, her mom had struggled to provide as much as possible for Jenny and her senior sister, Susie. That often meant that she was working late hours and sometimes on weekends.

Little Jenny knew she was very attractive. Most of the boys in school at St. Luke's would turn their heads when she would walk by – even the seniors.

She carried the dufflebag containing her cheerleading uniform at her side as she bounced down the sidewalk in her parochial school outfit.

Standing about five and a half feet tall, she was very thin. Her small A-cup breasts were only slightly outlined by the white short-sleeve blouse she wore.

Because she was a little taller than her tiny waist size typically suggested, her blue and white plaid pleated school skirt was somewhat shorter than the skirts of the other girls at school, hemming out at about seven inches above her knees and displaying her thin thighs very nicely, she thought.

She wore white knee socks and black-and-white saddle shoes. Jenny thought the white knee socks and shortness of her skirt really showed off the tan she had gotten that summer. Her long straight blonde hair, held in a ponytail, shined in the mid-afternoon sun, and her face was that of an innocent angel, framed by her golden bangs, with dimples and bright blue eyes.

Jenny stopped at the corner by her home. Turning to her left, she saw a man in a car, wanting to make a right-hand turn. She waited, expecting him to turn in front of her, but he motioned her to cross ahead of him.