Selena Kitt


Confessions: Roommate

My second college roommate was as exciting and adventurous as my first one was dull and introverted. I was actually glad my first roommate decided to ask for a room change halfway through my freshman year. She and I had never really gotten along. My new roommate, Carrie, was a petite blonde, and I knew the minute I walked into the room, seeing her laying with her head hanging backwards off the side of the bed watching Chuck Woolery hosting Scrabble, that we were going to be great friends. I was half right.

We were wonderful friends-but we also became much more than that. It wasn't my first experimentation with another girl. I'd had plenty of sexual play time with other girls as a teenager. I think it's more common today than it was then, or at least, it's more talked about and accepted, now. I had a boyfriend back home-1,000 miles away.

Carrie didn't have a steady boyfriend, but she dated-a lot. And she talked about her dates. She liked to give me detailed accounts after we turned the lights out and snuggled under covers in our narrow twin beds.