Sarah Fisher

The contract

Chapter 1

Roderick Banyon laid a sheaf of paper on his desk in front of Emily Lawrence. "So, you can see," he said slowly, indicating the top sheet, "Peter's financial position left a great deal to be desired. I suppose all this involvement is because you expected to marry him?"

"Involvement? What involvement? I really don't know why you sent for me. But yes, we were engaged!"

"Quite." He sat back and rested his fingertips together in front of his lips. "Most unfortunate." His eyes were alight with something that Emily realised with growing unease was an expression of grim satisfaction.

"I'm not sure that I understand what you are trying to say, Mr Banyon," she said.

Roderick lifted his eyebrows. "Really, Miss Lawrence? You must be aware that before his death Peter made you a partner in his company?"

"Oh that, the partnership! Yes but it wasn't important: I'm not expecting anything from it. Something to do with saving tax."

"Oh, but is is important! Oh yes! His death leaves you responsible for his debt to us."

Emily felt the breath catch in her throat, her stomach contracted sharply. "That's impossible," she gasped. "I've never had anything to do with Peter's business."

Banyon shrugged. "That may well be the case, but as a partner – in the eyes of the law -" His voice faded as if the rest was self explanatory.

Emily felt her colour draining. "What about life insurance – his other business interests, surely they would cover what he owes you?" She was trying hard to take in what the accountant was telling her.