Richard Reed
Punished wife
The guards pushed Sherry into the office and locked the door behind them. Then they dragged her to the center of the room. She was scared out of her mind. Both of them were tall and stocky and she knew there was no way she could escape. They caught her shoplifting and now she had to pay for it. She thought of her husband, Dan. He would kill her if he ever found out.
"Get against the wall," the older guard said. The look on his face was so cruel and hard that Sherry had to turn away from his gaze.
"Why?" she said. She brushed her long red hair over her shoulders and tried to look, defiant. Then she saw the other guard, the one with the thick mustache and the long dark hair, leering at her. He stared at her tight blouse without even trying to hide it. His eyes were glued to her huge tits.
"We're going to search you," he said. "That's why."
Sherry backed away from them. "You can't do that," she said. "You're supposed to have a woman for that kind of thing."
"Looks like we got a tough bitch here, Steve," the older guard said. "Take care of her."
"Sure, Al, you're the boss," he said. Steve grabbed Sherry's wrist and twisted it hard. The next thing she knew she was right against the wall. The longhaired guard spread her arms and her legs wide apart so that she had to lean against the wall with her palms flat out. Sherry tried to get away from him but he slammed her back against the wall. "You just stay put until we're finished with you, honey. We saw you take all that stuff and now we're going to find it."
"Try anything and I'll scream," Sherry said. She thought of all the things she'd taken from the main floor of the department store. The bra that she'd stuffed down her jeans, and the jewelry that she put into her purse when she thought no one was looking. They'd find it all. "I'm warning you," she said. "I'll scream!"
"Go ahead and scream all you want. No one will hear you. This room is soundproofed." Steve slid his hands up and down her thighs, as if he really was searching her. But then his fingers gripped her flesh through her tight pants.
He slid his hand around to the front and then reached down into her jeans. He pulled out the frilly red bra that she stuffed down her pants. "Nice piece of evidence," he said, and threw it to the floor. He moved closer to her and now she could feel the hard bulge in his crotch press against her ass. "We got you, baby. We got you."