Marie Shore,Kelly Haven, Super Sweet Eighteen,Selena Kitt,Mary Chi,Carl East,Sophie Vale,Maxwell Avoi,Malia Mallory, Jeneviere DeBeers, Meghan Boehners,Marlene Sexton,Jacqueline Ryan,Melody Raynes,Jean Luc-Cheri,Lola Swain,Evan J. Xavier,Belle Hart,Adelaide Cooper,Violet Williams,Audri London, Eden Nighte,Amber Adams, Lynn Mixon, Susie Taylor

Big Book of Smut 2

Chapter 1

The first day of school is something I always dreaded as a child. Now, being the parent, I couldn't wait for it to start again. My 10 year old son, Nathan, had other ideas on the subject. He whined at me as I herded him into the car to do some clothes shopping. "Aww Mom, I don't want to back to school." "Sorry Kiddo, it's the law." I cheerfully replied, getting into the car. After glancing in the mirror to make sure he had buckled himself in, we started off towards the local K-mart.

As I drove, I listed the things we'd need to pick up while there. "Okay Nat, we have to get you some new sneakers, a few pairs of shorts, underwear, and new t-shirts. I'll let you pick out some of the T-shirts okay?"

I glanced back in the rear view mirror at his sullen face. He was staring out the window with his arms crossed over his chest. I sighed to myself. Nat had the same look on his face that his father got when stubborn about something. Turning my attention back to the road, I started listing more back to school supplies. "We'll also have to pick up some new pencils, folders, notebooks, a lunchbox and some crayons." Nat snapped back at me this time, "I'm not a baby. Babies use crayons. I want colored pencils."

Well at least he was back to talking to me. "Okay then, colored pencils it is."

I turned into the parking lot and maneuvered my bulky van into the closest spot I could find. Surveying the parking lot, I muttered under my breath about the place being a mad house. As Nat and I entered the store, I looked around and decided that yes, this was a mad house. I pointed off to the right side of the store and told Nat to pick out the supplies he wanted while I started finding clothes. He grumpily nodded and walked over in that direction. Sighing to myself I grabbed a cart and headed over to the boys clothing section.

I propped my purse up in the infant seat area of the cart and started rummaging through racks looking for clothing in Nathan's size. I had just triumphantly pulled a pair of pants in the right size off of the rack when he returned. Glancing at the pile of school supplies thrown haphazardly into the cart, I spotted something else. "Sorry Nat, this trip is for school supplies only. If you get good marks first quarter we'll come back and get it then." I retrieved the small hand-held video game out of the cart and handed it back to him. "Put this back where you found it and we'll pick out your shirts." The look he gave me could have melted the paint off of the walls. Shaking my head sadly, I returned my attention back to the clothing racks. If this was what being a single parent consisted of, I wanted none of it.

I heard Nat return, his old sneakers squeaking against the polished floor. Glancing over, I saw him digging around in my purse. "My pack gum is in the little pocket on the outside Sweetie, if that's what you're looking for." Nat grunted at me and swiftly pulled out the pack of gum. He popped a piece in his mouth and came over to where I was standing with my arms loaded with clothes. Together we picked out a few new shirts, he even laughed at one of the goofy ones I let him pick out. Laughter, it had been a while since I'd heard him laugh. Maybe we would make it after all, just him and me. Nat behaved himself wonderfully as I had him try on all of the new clothes, not even complaining about me coming into the dressing room with him.