
Lesbian Locker Room

Chapter 1

Bernedette Wellington was walking home from school with her textbooks clutched to her chest. She was a pretty little girl, a blonde, and she had a finely toned athletic torso. She ran track and field.

She wasn't very tall, standing only a fraction of an inch over five feet tall, and she was built on a small frame.

But she was as fast as greased lightning when she ran, and was by far the fastest girl in the school.

She ran both the sixty and one – hundred yard dashes, and won a lot more races than she lost as a rule.

And that was even taking into consideration the fact that her high school frequently had meets against larger schools.

Bernedette weighed ninety – five pounds on the button.

Her weight never fluctuated, even during her monthly cycle. She was walking home from afternoon practice when she heard a familiar voice call her name at her rear.

Bernedette looked back over her right shoulder and her face broke into a brilliant grin of happiness.

Skipping up behind her was her very best friend Michele, who was also flashing her teeth happily.