
Budding boobs

Chapter 1

Teddy was a real bad ass type during the day, when he had to make sure his macho side was able to handle the scene at work. On the busy construction site, if he put his mind to it, he knew there was no problem, he could handle himself.

He was a no nonsense type of guy, and in that way earned the respect of the rest of the men. He wasn't afraid of going up on the high grid, and handling tough situations.

That was all part of the game, as far as he was concerned.

You earned your money and you did your work, and then the rest of your life was your own…

He was that kind of a guy…

So when the end of the day came, and the work was put aside, he felt he earned the right to relax, and let off some steam.

By dressing up in his favorite clothes.

Now, that in itself wasn't so awful… lots of guys were into that…

But Teddy was little different than lots of other guys…

Because his favorite clothes consisted of women's panties, a garter belt, stockings with seams, high heels, a bra, a wig and lots of makeup.